Are these images from Cannon or another detective series?

Detective shows might have different names, but they look pretty similar.


American detective television shows were in high demand in the 1970s. One series that lived successfully in this genre was Cannon, as the show was on for five seasons and debuted in 1971. Sometimes it can be hard to identify a series based on images when others in the same genre have the same look.

Are these images from Cannon or a different detective series?

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Weeknights at 3 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Is this a freeze frame from Cannon or a different detective series?
  2. Is this a freeze frame from Cannon or a different detective series?
  3. Is this a freeze frame from Cannon or a different detective series?
  4. Is this a freeze frame from Cannon or a different detective series?
  5. What about this one?
  6. And this one?
    Distributed by NBCUniversal Syndication Studios
  7. Is this a freeze frame from Cannon or a different detective series?
  8. Is this a freeze frame from Cannon or a different detective series?
    Distributed by NBCUniversal Syndication Studios
  9. What about this freeze frame?
  10. And this last one?

Are these images from Cannon or another detective series?

Your Result...

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rlb2k1jr 3 months ago
10 out of 10, not bad! I wonder if they went to Cordon Bleu?🤣
Peter 4 months ago
8 out of 10, pure luck, though his car did give one away.
DanDolgin 15 months ago
The last question could have been from any show. You wouldn't even know it was any detective show. This was METV's hardest quiz for any show I have seen many, if not all episodes.
DanDolgin 15 months ago
Very hard quiz, only 50%. I have seen every episode of Cannon and almost every Barnaby. Usually a show I have seen many episodes gets me a high score. I don't know why this one was so hard.
JERRY6 15 months ago
Moverfan 15 months ago
Grew up watching Cannon and Barnaby Jones (I was ten when Cannon premiered). As far as my score goes....I don't care to discuss it, thank you...
DanDolgin Moverfan 15 months ago
I agree. I have seen every Cannon and most Barnaby Jones. This quiz is METV's hardest for any show I have seen many, if not all episodes.
Mark 16 months ago
10 out of 10. The Lincoln Continental that Cannon drove is in one pic, Conrad with his back turned to the camera in another, and I recognized the first one as being from the episode "Blood Lines" (the second to last episode aired) with guest star Robert Drivas and another one as being from the very fourth episode "Country Blues", with a pic of guest star Clu Gulager. Additionally, a couple of pics had a byline saying that they were from NBC Universal Distribution. Cannon is owned by CBS! That helped me out with those questions.
DanDolgin Mark 15 months ago
I didn't know about NBC Universal. That would have helped me. I know some older shows aren't carried by their original network.
Rick 16 months ago
7 / 10. Thanks for the giant black Lincoln in Q4.
Moverfan Rick 15 months ago
In #3, I assume that's Mark Shera on the porch...but damn, he resembles James Garner! (At leazt to the point where I got it wrong.)
mpatrick 16 months ago
Here's the moment of truth. You got 10 out of 10
I LOVED those 70's cop/detective/private eye series. Cannon, Columbo, Kojak, Mannix, etc. were the best!
cperrynaples 16 months ago
8/10! and they gave away 2 of the answers with the NBC/Universal credit! Cannon is QM/CBS!
LoveMETV22 cperrynaples 16 months ago
Looks like it might be an image credit, similar to when they credit Getty Images in some of the pics they post in S & Q's?
Andybandit 16 months ago
I got 5/10. I got #1, 2, 7, 8, and 10 wrong. I never watched the show. I wish MeTv would put Cannon, Barney Jones, and any other shows that are on in the late evening in the afternoon on the weekdays instead of the westerns. The westerns are getting old. I am sorry, I know a lot of people like the westerns in the afternoon.
Pacificsun 16 months ago
After Mannix I always stick around to see who Cannon's Guest Stars will be. And they are NEVER the same as Mannix, at least within the same Season. Quinn Martin seemed to have his own way with lining up Talent for his Productions.
CaptainDunsel Pacificsun 16 months ago
You'll also see many of the same guest stars appearing in multiple QM produced shows, such as "The Untouchables", "The Fugitive", "The Invaders", "Cannon" and "Barnaby Jones". He had his favorites, just as Jack Webb did.
Pacificsun CaptainDunsel 15 months ago
Well said!

How come Streets of San Francisco doesn't get mentioned much around here?
CaptainDunsel Pacificsun 15 months ago
I confess, I forgot that was a Quinn Martin production.
DanDolgin Pacificsun 15 months ago
METV is not showing "Streets of San Francisco" currently, but I think METV+ has it now.
MrsPhilHarris 16 months ago
7/10 Another quiz of complete guessing.
Runeshaper 16 months ago
7/10 - lots of guessing lol 😆
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