Who would you cast in a 1960s live-action version of The Jetsons?

See how popular your picks are!


With its flying cars, futuristic machines and space-age furniture, it’s hard to see the The Jetsons as anything other than the iconic cartoon that it is. But what if it had been made as a live-action science fiction series like Lost in Space or Star Trek? Besides what we can only assume would be an astronomical budget, one challenge would be finding the right actors to embody each role.

Here are some of our favorite actors from the 1960s. Pick who you think would be the best choice for George, Jane and the rest. Don’t see your ideal pick? Let us know who we left out in a comment! 

  1. Who should play George Jetson?
  2. Who would be the best Jane Jetson?
  3. Who could you see as Judy?
  4. Who should play Elroy?
  5. Who would be the best Rosey the Robot?
  6. Who could voice a real-life Astro, or maybe just wear a dog costume?
  7. Who should play George's boss, Cosmo Spacely?
  8. Who should play popstar Jet Screamer?

Who would you cast in a 1960s live-action version of The Jetsons?

Your Result...

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MikefromJersey 9 months ago
"48% similar to the most popular responses"

Clint Howard today looks like he did in that still from Star Trek, no need for a fake
skull covering and caterpillars glued to his eyebrows.

jodyh05 11 months ago
82%. I think hazel should play rosie
GregLemieux 47 months ago
That was a fun quiz. A lot of the suggestions were highly intelligent. I matched 82% for the record.
Diz 47 months ago
Missing The Jetsons here in NYC since WJLP chooses to show local programming at that time. Bummer.
DeniseandTyrone 47 months ago
32% similar.... pretty good considering I was guessing..... I didn't know 90% of their "real" names..... Lol
BuckeyeBeth 47 months ago
52% similar

On #7, I really think Don Rickles would be the best choice but as a Hogan Heroes fan I really wanted to give Leon Askin some love! 😘 I think I bumped him up to 8%. 🤣
vinman63 BuckeyeBeth 46 months ago
Jettison you idiot.
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