Adam West only read fifteen pages of a Batman script before he knew he had to star in the show

West knew the show had promise.

Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

We've all heard of "love at first sight," but do you believe in love at first script?

Adam West certainly does, and he's got his entire career to show for it. According to an interview with the Express and News, when West was offered the opportunity to audition for the role of the caped crusader in Batman, he only needed a few moments to make his decision.

West explained that he knew the show had promise almost immediately, and expressed his excitement about joining the cast. "I read fifteen pages, and I knew that it would be a tremendous hit," he said.

West called the series "marvelous nonsense," comparing it to the children's book Alice in Wonderland. Despite the show's oddity, or perhaps because of it, West was confident in the show's quality. Even in Batman's beginnings, West had big dreams.

"I would like the show to last for three years," West said. "and then I hope I'll be able to go on to other things."

However, West knew the nature of the beast and understood that as quickly as his fame was given to him, it could be taken away. "Of course, there is always the chance that Batman will die in a year - and that I will die with it. But I'm hopeful that won't happen."

West took a leap of faith when he signed on to play the Dark Knight, and it was a leap that would serve him well. While Batman didn't necessarily have a very long life on air, the show certainly had lasting power and served to entertain viewers for decades after the show left the air.

West only had one complaint throughout his time as Batman. "Running around in this freakish costume is kind of debilitating," he said.

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Avie 2 months ago
"Adam West only read fifteen pages of a Batman script before he knew he had to star in the show..."

"When West was offered the opportunity to audition for the role of the caped crusader in Batman, he only needed a few moments to make his decision."

"West only had one complaint throughout his time as Batman."

SOMEBODY does NOT know where the word "only" goes in a sentence.

"Only" denotes diminution; the farther you move it from what you're trying to diminish, the less effective it is. The above sentences SHOULD read

Adam West read only fifteen pages.

[West] needed only a few moments to make his decision.

West had only one complaint.

Fifteen pages, a few moments, complaint. Those are the three things the writer wishes to diminish in each sentence, and "only" needs to be jammed right against each, or as close as they can come.

HOW do people get jobs writing stuff like this when they don't know HOW to write?
Avie 2 months ago
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Rick 2 months ago
This reminds me of another story MeTV had - sounds like it's talking about the same thing in the pilot script: It's when Batman said he'd sit at the bar in a restaurant because he "shouldn't wish to attract attention." :-)
Suzies1952 2 months ago
Back In the 70’s Adam west kissed me on my cheek and told me to come back in line anytime I wanted his autograph again, it was at a car show in Milwaukee Wisconsin and the bat mobile was there with him, I was in line to have him sign the picture of him, I was holding in my hand, I was only adult, rest were all little kids!, never was kissed by any other tv star in my life!, kind of cool story I get to tell people because not too many people are kissed by a tv actor on their cheek
cperrynaples 2 months ago
Well, Adam got his wish: Batman had only 3 seasons! However, he was disappointed that ABC didn't do a fourth season!
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