10 dolls every boy and girl wanted for Christmas in the 1960s

Would you ask Santa for a Little Miss No Name or Major Matt Mason?

Images: Wishbook Web

Barbie changed everything. Mattel delivered its breadwinning doll to the world in 1959. Undoubtedly, Barbie showed up in millions of little girls' letters to Santa throughout the following decade.

But you know Barbie. Barbie is a global icon. We wanted to dig a little deeper into the toy chest for other popular dolls of the 1960s. There were fashionistas, military heroes, paupers and little brats on offer. Here are 10 of our favorite.

1. Major Matt Mason


He lived on the moon! Mattel scored a big hit with the boys, lauching this adventurous astronaut into toy stores in 1966, at the height of the space age. The line grew to include Sgt. Storm, a blond in a red spacesuit; Doug Davis, a civilian in a yellow suit; and Lt. Jeff Long, an African-American explorer in a blue suit. Naturally, there were aliens, too, named Captain Lazer, Callisto, Scorpio and Or.

Image: Wishbook Web

2. Little Miss No Name


Both unsettling and depressing, Habro's Little Miss No Name was the anti-Barbie. Dream house? Dream car? Pshaw. Little Miss No Name wore a patched burlap dress. She held out her hand for coins. She didn't even come with shoes. A single tear dripped from her giant, brown eyes. Inspired by the "Big Eyes" paintings of Margaret Keane, these hit stores circa 1965 and were still in Christmas catalogs a couple years later.

Image: Wishbook Web

3. Little Kiddles


Mattel came up with these pioneering three-inch dolls in 1965, a forerunner to the tiny collections you see all over the place today. There were subsets of Storybook Kiddles, Skediddle Kiddles that could walk, and Kologne Kiddle. The oil crisis of the 1970s killed off these wee toys, as plastics became too cost prohibitive to produce.

Image: Wishbook Web

4. Heidi


Many dolls may cry, but only one waves hi. Well, they all do, really, if you raise their arms. But, with Heidi, "press her secret button, she waves hi," or so the friendly woman in the commercial explained. This smaller doll came packaged inside a red plastic pocketbook.

Image: YouTube

5. That Kid


Habro was in a rather dark place, it seems, in the 1960s. A male counterpart to Little Miss No Name, "That Kid" was, for all intents and purposes, a little bully. Pick him up, give him a hug, and he would protest, "Put me down… you're funny lookin'!" Take the slingshot out of his pocket and he would warn, "You better put that back or the monster will get you." Was "the monster" his cute pet name for his temper?

Image: Wishbook Web

6. Captain Action and Action Boy


Captain Action may have just been a plastic man, but he had one incredible power — licensing. Ideal Toy Co.'s competitor to Hasbro's G.I. Joe, Captain Action could change outfits and become several different beloved comic heroes. He could slip into a Batman or Superman costume (each sold separately for $3.22), turn into Tonto or the Lone Ranger, venture out as Buck Rogers or Steve Canyon. There were even Green Hornet, Flash Gordon and other get-ups. Likewise, his young sidekick, Action Boy, could become Robin, Aqualad….

Image: Wishbook Web

7. G.I. Joe


Speaking of ol' Joe, we have to include the original action figure. Though, of course, back in the 1960s, he was a doll, not the smaller action figures of today. Four varieties were available — Soldier, Sailor, Pilot, Marine. It would take two decades until they got around to Destro, Cobra Commander and the bunch.

Image: Wishbook Web

8. Tressy


The American Character Toy Company launched Tressy in 1963 as an answer to Barbie. Why the name "Tressy"? Well, the 11½" fashion doll had retractable tresses of hair, so that kids could style her in several hairdos. At the end of the decade, the Ideal Toy Company bought the rights, launching Gorgeous Tressy and Posin' Tressy for hip '70s children.

Image: Wishbook Web

9. Mrs. Beasley


As seen on Family Affair! In that sitcom, the youngest daughter, Buffy (Anissa Jones), carried around her Mrs. Beasley doll everywhere. Millions of viewers wanted to do the same, so Mattel obliged. A 50th Anniversary edition was recently offered for $100.

Image: Wishbook Web

10. Tutti and Todd


Most girls probably had a Barbie by 1966. Sure, there were more outfits to sell, but a doll needs friends and family. Which is why, in 1966, Mattel launched Tutti and Todd, Barbie's younger twin siblings. There was also a third wheel buddy named Chris. Speaking of Family Affair, a Buffy version of Tutti was released, including a miniature Mrs. Beasley.

Image: Wishbook Web

SEE MORE: There were paper dolls for just about every 1960s TV series


Everyone from the Petticoat Junction girls to the Bradys were transformed into cut-out clothing models. READ MORE

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caleb53 46 months ago
Why would any right minded little boy want to play with dolls?
Oh sure, the sissified pansies do today but not when I grew up!
When they came out with that GI Joe doll I new it was over for
the little man. Just sayin'......
CelticTwilight 62 months ago
Little Miss No Name! What demented soul came up with this unholy horror? I was afraid she was going to climb out my screen like that ghost kid from the Ring. 😱
Hi! I am Little Miss No Name. I don't like you! Want to see my tears turn red?
JamieHardy 65 months ago
Check out this new doll line
DavidH JamieHardy 62 months ago

Funding for that project was canceled on Jun 29 2019. No big Barbies
Lantern 71 months ago
I had a Penny Brite doll from around 1964. She was shorter than the 11-1/2" Barbie size but had a wardrobe and vinyl case like Barbie. Don't remember what manufacturer made her (I don't believe it was Mattel).
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