Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein: The Quiz!
Jeepers! The creepers are after Bud & Lou!

Uh-oh! This is one monster mash we wouldn't be caught DEAD in!
Can you save the day and help out the comedy duo by correctly answering these trivia questions? Or will you all be doomed to an eternity of anguish as Dracula turns you into a vampire?!
Find out here, with the following quiz. Grab some garlic and a crucifix, and don't forget to lock your doors. Good luck! Be sure to share your thoughts and your score in the comments section below! OOooOOOoooooOOOoooooooo!

Abbott and Costello don't JUST meet Frankenstein. From the following list, which monster isn't in this movie?
What does Dracula want from our heroes?
Who directed this picture, anyhow?
This movie marked which actor's final movie with a major studio?
Which animation legend contributed to Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein?
This was the final Universal film to feature Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula, and The Wolf Man until...
Who plays Frankenstein's monster in this movie?
Dracula uses which name as an alias?
Which of these actresses was NOT in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein?
Although he remained uncredited, who provided the voice for the Invisible Man in the final shot?

Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein: The Quiz!
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9/10. Missed the one about Van Helsing.It doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned. And I think "The Time of Their Lives" was A&C's best movie.
10 out of 10. Bud and Lou's best movie.
Critics, film historians, and fans of Bud & Lou have often listed this film as among their best. 🎬🎥🎞️📽️🏬 😁😁😁😁😁
Sometimes when I watch someone doing something stupid I say “untie the boat”- no one ever gets it but I know.
Actually, Glenn Strange AND Lon Chaney Jr played the Frankenstein monster. Strange tripped over cables near the climax of the operating room scene. Chaney, who had previous experience in the monster costume and makeup, did some scenes as the monster.
I missed two. Didn't know those women at all.
I missed two. I didn't know those women. Loved Abbott and Costello.
I missed two. I didn't know those women. Loved Abbott and Costello.
I can't be the only person here who can't stand Abbot & Costello. I honestly can't see how they ever got to be even a marginally successful comedy act, let alone one of the biggest ones in show business back in the day. To me, Abbot comes off as a bully... always making Lou do anything that he doesn't want to do, slapping him, and always being unkind. On the other hand, Lou comes off as a feeble minded screw-up, who would do well by taking a few classes in self defense and assertiveness training. Watching them together does little more than frustrate me and make me wonder "how can anyone think this is funny?" I'm sure some of you will roast me for this little rant, but I'm standing firm. Do I have anyone who agrees?
I tend to agree with you. I'm not a big fan of them either. I don't think they're that funny (my opinion). I much prefer Laurel & Hardy. Now THEY were funny.
6/10 I expected to do better and would have if the questions had been about the movie and not actors and directors, etc.
2/10, you'd think I'd feel worse, I could go for a glass of red wine, won't you join me.
Glenn Strange accidentally fractured his ankle in the laboratory scene. He threw stuntwoman Helen Thurston at the breakaway window but she rolled back and bowled him over. She got some of the candy glass in her eye and Strange hurt his ankle when he lunged to catch her. Lon Chaney put on the Frankenstein monster makeup and finished the scene. Strange completed his later scenes with a cast hidden under his costume.