Answer these questions, and we'll guess whether you prefer CDs or cassette tapes
Both of them bring music to our ears, literally.
Listening to music can take you through many emotions — making you feel whatever the artist feels. Sometimes it's the lyrics and others, it's the melody. No matter what it is, we all listen to music at least once a week or sometimes more.
Now you can stream music, but in earlier decades, CDs and cassette tapes were popular for listening to it. Take this quiz, and we'll guess how you prefer to listen to music.
Which decade do you believe had the better music?
What shape would you want your handheld music player to be?
Which would you rather have:
Which instrument would you play?
Which actor would you sing a duet with?
Which item would you want your favorite artist to autograph?
Do you prefer to see an artist performing at an arena or a small venue?
If you were traveling, which music player would be the easiest to bring?
Would you listen to music during a workout?
If an actor recommended a song to you, who would you want it to be?

Answer these questions, and we'll guess whether you prefer CDs or cassette tapes
Your Result...
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