Are these real Christmas horror movies, or did we make them up?
All I want for Christmas is YOUR SOUL!

Ho Ho Oh No!
Technically, any film featuring Santa Claus is a home invasion thriller. He knows when you are sleeping?! And we're ok with this?!
Maybe that's why there are so many Christmas-themed horror movies.
Regardless, we want to know whether you can tell the real from the phony in this handy-dandy quiz. We've taken some bona fide movies, and we've mixed in some bogus ones. It's your job to figure out which is which. Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below!
Silent Night, Deadly Night
Black Christmas
The Night Santa Went Crazy
It's a Wonderful Knife
Jingle Hell Rock
The North Pole Chainsaw Massacre
12 Flays of Christmas
Jack Frost the Ripper
The Stocking Stuffed Slasher
Better Watch Out

Are these real Christmas horror movies, or did we make them up?
Your Result...
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A Christmas Story - Fudge

Pink Floyd - For Christmas

A Christmas Story - Fudge

Curious George - Lights

9/10 I was laughing so hard at the fake titles … who ever makes up these quizzes has a great sense of humor !!! 😂🙂
5/10 - not good on any movie trivia - NOW to show you how much society is deranged can go Christmas day and actually watch Nosferatu in a cinema in person - HUH?!
What is METV’s obsession with horror movies lately? That in itself could be scary. 8/10 a few guesses.
I guessed pretty good on some of those.
The real horror of Christmas is... Fruitcake!!!!
No, actually I like fruitcake. In small amounts.
The real, real horror of Christmas is hearing "The Screamer" Mariah Carey "singing."
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I guessed pretty good on some of those.
The real horror of Christmas is... Fruitcake!!!!
No, actually I like fruitcake. In small amounts.
The real, real horror of Christmas is hearing "The Screamer" Mariah Carey "singing."
They put bourbon, rum, & brandy in the batter. But also sell some alcohol free styles too for those who prefer not to have that.
But man ..... that chocolate fruitcake, SO good!
But man ..... that chocolate fruitcake, SO good!
I checked out that site, and there are a lot of tasty-looking items there. I wish I had known about this before as I may have wanted to buy some as a gift for a fruitcake-hater, because I think from what I saw it would turn them into fruitcake-lovers.
I would like to taste it first though, as the chocolate fruitcakes DO look very good. Maybe that sampler....
I would like to taste it first though, as the chocolate fruitcakes DO look very good. Maybe that sampler....
Sign up for their emails so you can catch a good sale to make it more affordable. One time I extra lucked out & caught their sale PLUS free shipping on just the 1 item I ordered. I told an ex-co-worker about the chocolate fruitcake & he was hooked. He even tried the chocolate coated fruitcake pieces & loved those too. I've only ordered their regular & choc fruitcakes. 😇