Can you answer these classic TV questions from real 'Jeopardy!' episodes?

We'd wager that Trebek's got nothing on MeTV fans in these categories.

Jeopardy! may be TV's most daunting game show, with trivia designed to stump even the world's strongest memories. But we've been tuning in for years, mostly hoping there will be a category we do know—like classic TV.

Here, we've gone through this archive of Jeopardy! clues to find real clues you saw on the game show and give you a chance to win an exclusively classic TV-themed round of Jeopardy!

Think this is the kind of Jeopardy! you were born to win? We do, too. Take the quiz below and see if you can emerge from Final Jeopardy! a winner. Good luck!

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  1. First round starts now! Clue: In 1952 the title character of this show asked, "Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular?"
  2. Trebek says, "I'll give you the lyrics. You have to identify the program for us." Your Clue: "You're gonna make it after all."
  3. Clue: Raleigh boasts a statue of these 2 actors—with fishing poles—as they appeared on a beloved N.C.-set TV series.
  4. For this category, 'Jeopardy!' gives you the episode title, and you name the TV show. Clue: "The Gamesters of Triskelion"
  5. Similarly, this category gives you the spin-off title, and you name the original TV series. Clue: 'The Tortellis'
  6. Final question of the first round. This category lists a star's major achievements that happened 20 years apart. Clue: 1964: Acted on a Top-10 rated TV show; 1984: Directed 'Splash'
  7. Now it's time for round 2, Double Jeopardy! Clue: This classic TV show's theme is just made for the category.
  8. Stakes are getting higher. Next Clue: From the planet Melmac, this title TV character liked to eat cats.
  9. Clue: 40 years later & Julie Newmar is still best remembered for playing this villainess on 'Batman.'
  10. Clue: The movie 'Tin Men' said this classic TV Western was about "a 50-year-old father with three 47-year-old sons.”
  11. Clue: Carl Reiner won 3 Emmys for writing for this sitcom on which he occasionally played TV comedian Alan Brady.
  12. You've made it to Final Jeopardy! Clue: It was the first TV series to win the Hugo Award for best dramatic presentation.

Can you answer these classic TV questions from real 'Jeopardy!' episodes?

Your Result...

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John111911Smith 48 months ago
9/12. What do I know? Obviously not enough Classic TV trivia...Darn !!
rycki1138 50 months ago
12 out of 12
Well done, you've won today's episode of Classic TV Jeopardy!
CaroleThorpe 50 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
Well done, you've won today's episode of Classic TV Jeopardy!
DouglasMorris 50 months ago
11/12! the last one number 12 did me in. still came out as a winner!
idkwut2use 50 months ago
10; the two I missed were pretty dumb and I was so close to picking the right answers!
EllisClevenger 74 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Well done, you've won today's episode of Classic TV Jeopardy!
thedude1500 75 months ago
12/12 I AM A (useless trivia) GOD!
jholton30062 75 months ago
11/12. Got the last one because I remembered the rule for taking MeTV quizzes: Anytime "ALF" or "The Twilight Zone" is one of the answers, that's the answer.
djw1120 75 months ago
11 out of 12
I missed the last one.
I thought that "Star Trek" won a Hugo Award for the episode "The City On The Edge of Forever"?
"Twilight Zone" never occurred to me.
All the others were pretty easy.
Not too much thought required.
CaptainDunsel 75 months ago
11 of 12 ...and *mortified* that I messed #12!
(BTW, the title should read "Can you question these classic TV answers from real 'Jeopardy' episodes?")
djw1120 CaptainDunsel 75 months ago
If you are "Captain Dunsel" I guess you have an M5 computer in your home.
Maybe you can ask M5 what the correct answer to number 12 is?
Of course, it may say that YOU are unnecessary personnel.
JeffTanner 75 months ago
10 out of 12 for me. Missed #4 and 12.
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