Can you find the one artist who NEVER performed on The Ed Sullivan Show?

Dozens of iconic actors, comedians and musicians appeared on the show, but who never took this famous stage?


Appearing on The Ed Sullivan Show was a ticket to instant stardom for up-and-coming acts and a great way to debut new material for established stars. Sullivan had the uncanny ability to spot talent, as evidenced by the number of singers and comedians who went on to become household names after performing on his show.

We’ve collected well-known acts and a few surprises who all appeared on the Ed Sullivan stage and added in one star who never performed on the show. Can you pick that person out on the first try?

  1. Who NEVER performed on The Ed Sullivan Show?

Can you find the one artist who NEVER performed on The Ed Sullivan Show?

Your Result...

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Riff60 34 months ago
Nailed it. I didn’t Think Twice it’s alright
LarryLeGros 34 months ago
Got it right because I figured Dylan was the most outspoken, rebellious individual in the group.
JHP 42 months ago
got it wrong - oh well - thank you Me-Tv for the show on sunday nights - I want to go out and get flannel jammies and have some warm milk while I watch it
Otis49 44 months ago
i guessed right only because I watched every week and didn't remember Bob Dylan.
Toddmick 46 months ago
I went six or seven before I got Bob Dylan. Most of the tries were eliminations of people I didn't know were on
Mikey58 46 months ago
1 try. I heard about Bob's choice of song a couple of years ago.
Lillyrose 46 months ago
I got the right answer on the 11th try: Bob Dylan.
Oldwatcher73 47 months ago
sometimes we forget SOME of the old actors,characters or shows..the quizzes ar still fun to guess at!
John 47 months ago
Yeesh...took me six tries to get this one right.
StrayCat 47 months ago
Even forgoing a chance for national exposure on Ed Sullivan, Dylan always marched to his own drumbeat.
AMgirl 47 months ago
I just took a guess & got it right, which is surprising considering that even though my family watched Ed Sullivan most Sunday evenings, but my siblings & I weren't really interested unless Jim Henson's Muppets or Topo Gigio, the Italian mouse, were featured. I remember watching Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color on Sunday nights, although I'm not sure if it was competing w/Ed Sullivan at the same time.
LyonsLil 47 months ago
It was a family tradition in our house on Sundays just like Sunday dinners were a must! I actually looked forward to it each week especially when there were rock & roll guests and even Topo Gigio!! 😄😊
Kenner 47 months ago
Feb 9, 1964... Now THAT was a “really big shoe” and I saw it live on TV.
Bjr1947 47 months ago
yeah! one T.V. Dad commanded it! my brother and I were the rabbit ears, but I was working and my brother and I bought a second hand B&W dad was pissed because we hooked it to the main antenna on roof, he lost his captive audience, while we gained a crowd, we watched what we wanted.
JonP 47 months ago
Sullivan was watched every Sunday as I recall. My Dad was a fan and back then it was one TV in the house, in the living room, Dad called the programs when he was home, and I was the remote control who changed the channels.
MarthaWashington 47 months ago
I never cared for Ed Sullivan, even though most of it was before my time...I got it on the first try. I seem to remember Dylan being difficult
Spiro 47 months ago
Ed Sullivan would say we have a "really big show".

But it sounded like "really big shoe".

It's kinda funny.

He ruined Jackie Mason's career because Mason flipped him "the bird". Mason sued him for 3 million.
47 months ago
I guessed Nina Simone.
kkvegas Pilaf 47 months ago
Me too. I got Bob Dylan on my second try.
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