Can you get through this quiz without leaving the 1950s?

Pick the things from the Fifties. Only 10/10 will win!

Like Marty McFly, you have been sent back to the 1950s. Now, in order to fit in, you should know your Fifties pop culture.

Your challenge is to ONLY select the things from that decade. Be wary of items from the 1940s, 1960s and 1970s! Good luck, time traveler!
  1. Pick the car from the 1950s.
  2. Pick the President who was in office in the 1950s.
  3. Pick the one TV show that first aired in the 1950s.
  4. Pick the one toy that first hit stores in the 1950s.
  5. Pick the hit sci-fi movie that came out in the 1950s.
  6. Pick the one candy that was first introduced in the 1950s.
  7. The following three songs were all the biggest singles in the year of their release. But which one came out in the 1950s?
  8. Pick the one cereal that first hit grocery stores in the 1950s.
  9. Pick the happy family in pajamas from the 1950s.
  10. Pick the neck ties from the 1950s.

Can you get through this quiz without leaving the 1950s?

Your Result...

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Matsui 30 months ago
You got 8 out 10, born in the Early 60s
DerekBird 40 months ago
You got 8 out 10
Not quite! You made the leap into another decade. Better luck next time!
ClayRogers 55 months ago
10/10. I was born in 1963 and I love things from the 50's and early 60's.
DerekBird ClayRogers 40 months ago
I was born with 7 days left in 1964. However I prefer the late 60s and into the 70s.
EllisClevenger 58 months ago
You got 8 out 10
Not quite! You made the leap into another decade. Better luck next time!
Missed #6 and #7.
CandyLeBlanc 71 months ago
You could make the photos bigger, us people from the 50's can't see as good as we used 2!

LeeHarper 71 months ago
Perfect! You stayed put in the Fifties. Time to put on some Elvis and shake your hips.
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