Can you guess the horror movie by the modern remake poster?

The best classic horror movies came back to haunt us.

The best horror movies come back to haunt us again and again, as the best directors of today attempt to recreate the chills of the masters of the past.

Think you can tell which classic horror movie that new movies are trying to remake? Below, squint your eyes at a stream of horror movies from the 2000s and try to guess the original movie masked by posters made in modern times. Good luck!
  1. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  2. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  3. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  4. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  5. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  6. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  7. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  8. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  9. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?
  10. This poster is for the remake of which classic horror film?

Can you guess the horror movie by the modern remake poster?

Your Result...

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Snickers 40 months ago
7/10. Big sci-fi fan but not so much with horror movies.
DerekBird 41 months ago
You got 6 out of 10
Your telepathic powers have failed you.

All guesses. Not my genre. I've never seen any of these or the originals.
WILD 71 months ago
This is screwed up, because I got 7 right and it says that I only had 5 right.
RobChapman 71 months ago
Halloween (2018) isn't a remake. It's an alternate sequel to the 1978 film, ignoring all other sequels.
Greg 77 months ago
Got 7 I don't like horror movies
pumkinheadfan 78 months ago
10/10 Super easy! I was expecting a longer quiz! They've been pumping remakes out for awhile now. I think they've remade Invasion of the Body Snatchers at least 4 times now. Oh and The Last Man on Earth was 3 times.
Shadowdancer 78 months ago
I wonder if a remake of the Omen would be as good as the original?
Corey Shadowdancer 78 months ago
They made one and it sucked.
RobCertSDSCascap 78 months ago
9/10! Sequels can't beat me!
I can only watch the MST3K version of Laserblast... The only reason to watch Laserblast is the David Allen stop-motion work!
Same here!
"Can it, you fuzzy marshmallow!"
JeffTanner 78 months ago
You got 4 out of 10 ---------------Your telepathic powers have failed you.
Groovy_Chainsaw 78 months ago
10 for 10. I'm a horror fan and former video store manager and I still had to guess on a couple.
I was a SL at a video store when about 95% of these came out. One Christmas each store was given 2 free passes for Black X-Mas.... a coworker and myself were offered them and we said toss them out! Naturally I checked it out when we got it as a "pre-street". I was right it sucked. That was maybe the worst thing that kinda was in vogue when I was working at the shop. All the dumb remakes. Once in a while one would come along that was tolerable, but the rest are a waste of time!
Dicazi 78 months ago
When did they remake Willard.
Groovy_Chainsaw Dicazi 78 months ago
Early 2000s ... I'm guessing 2003 or 2004
Corey Groovy_Chainsaw 78 months ago
I knew they made a Willard remake cause I remember Crispin Glover who played Marty McFly's Dad played Willard. Perfect casting.
KellyM Corey 78 months ago
That's how I got that one right, recognized Crispen Glover. and the thing in his hand looked like it was wearing a fur coat. he he
Amalthea Corey 41 months ago
Same here.
Barry22 78 months ago
8/10, guessed on some. Don't really like horror films.
anthony 78 months ago
6/10.mostly guesses.Didn't know they did a remakemof Willard.
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