Can you guess the missing lyrics in the Bat Masterson theme song?
What kind of hat did he wear again?

Image: Everett Collection
Bat Masterson was a beloved western that aired on NBC from 1958 to 1961. Gene Barry played the titular character — a suave, well-dressed gambler who traveled the west catching bad guys and flirting with beautiful women.
An outlaw thought he had it made whenever he took Bat’s gun but Bat was always one step ahead. Soon or later that outlaw always found himself meeting the business end of Bat’s cane!
One of the most remembered parts of the show is the catchy theme song that played at the beginning and end of every episode. It was sung by Bill Lee, a member of the popular barbershop quartet the Mellomen.
Take the quiz below to see if you can guess which lyrics are missing!
Back when the west was very _______
There lived a ______ named Masterson
He wore a cane and ______ hat
They called him ______, Bat Masterson
A man of _____ the stories say
But ______ eyes all glanced his way
A gambler's game he ______ won
His _____ was Bat, Bat Masterson
The trail that he ______ is still there
No one has come since, to ______ his name
And those with too ready a ______
Forgot to figure on his ______ cane
Now in the ______ of the west
One ______ stands out o'er all the rest
The man who had the ______ gun
His name was Bat, ______ Masterson

Can you guess the missing lyrics in the Bat Masterson theme song?
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