Can you guess the TV show by the ''the'' in the title?

Prove you're THE expert when it comes to classic shows.

"The" is a small but extremely useful article in the English language, and for many TV fans, it's the very first word you say when citing your favorite show.

With that being said, do you think you know a show by the way it styles the word "The" in its opening credits?

Scroll through the ultimate "the" quiz below, and find out if you're the best at this.
  1. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  2. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  3. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  4. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  5. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  6. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  7. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  8. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  9. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:
  10. Pick the TV show that used this "The" in the opening credits:

Can you guess the TV show by the ''the'' in the title?

Your Result...

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STTOS 5 months ago
You got 10 out of 10 - You're the best at this! Easier than I thought it would be thanks to the pictures. But I guess it's tough to not show some of the opening credits.
AlbertHanson 27 months ago
10/10. The background of each question is a dead giveaway.
OlgaBagley 39 months ago
Ray Charles could of guess the answers 😎 you should of Covered the Show Titles more
Wiseguy70005 OlgaBagley 2 months ago
Always should "have"; never should "of."
Yes, the contraction should've sounds like should of but it is never written as such.
DerekBird 39 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You're the best at this!

This was so easy that blew right through it.
Tresix 75 months ago
10/10. Probably helped that some of the show's characters were behind the "The".
Geronimo 75 months ago
A 2 year old could ace this quiz........................10/10
OlgaBagley Geronimo 39 months ago
Joe 75 months ago
Kolchak: The Night Stalker got me!
JeffTanner 75 months ago
You got 10 out of 10 ------------You're the best at this!
EllisClevenger 75 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
You're the best at this!
Missed # 10.
Kirsten 75 months ago

You got 10 out of 10
You're the best at this!
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