Can you tell which are the first and last episodes of popular '60s shows?
Did Star Trek end with a "Man Trap" or "Intruder"?

Does a title give away the story? Can the name of an episode imply what happens within?
Well, let's see. We gathered the first and last episode titles of TV shows that were popular in the 1960s. In some cases, we bet you can tell which is the premiere and which is the finale.
In some cases, it's rather difficult! See if you can tell them apart! Be sure to read the questions!

Which is the FIRST episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show?
Which is the LAST episode of Perry Mason?
Which is the LAST episode of Star Trek?
Which is the LAST episode of The Andy Griffith Show?
Which is the FIRST episode of Gilligan's Island?
Which is the FIRST episode of Leave It to Beaver?
Which is the LAST episode of The Flintstones?
Which is the FIRST episode of My Three Sons?
Which is the FIRST episode of Hogan's Heroes?
Which is the LAST episode of Green Acres?
Which is the FIRST episode of The Beverly Hillbillies?
Which is the LAST episode of Bonanza?
Which is the FIRST episode of The Addams Family?
Which is the LAST episode of The Munsters?

Can you tell which are the first and last episodes of popular '60s shows?
Your Result...
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Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

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Caddyshack - Freeze Gopher

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

I quit after the first 3. The constant green/yellow flashing back & forth was doing a job on my eyesight.
13/14. Only one I did not know was Bonanza. Like the show all right but never followed it faithfully.
Keep in mind in both first and last episodes it is the aired episodes and not the necessarily the first and last filmed. The Man Trap (an inferior monster story) should not be considered the first Star Trek. In the old days of syndication (network broadcasts like those on MeTV should not be referred to as syndication) the first episode shown was the pilot Where No Man Has Gone Before. The original pilot The Cage was not shown in reruns back then.