Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C''
In which Gomer ships off and shapes up!

CBS Television Distribution
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This quiz is about Season 4, Episode 32: "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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When Gomer sings the Marines theme song, Andy thinks Gomer...
Gomer thinks "The Far East" refers to...
Before shipping off, Gomer wishes he had time to get a...
What's the name of the recruit depot?
Why is Gomer late?
Gomer learned the Marine's Hymn from a calendar in...
Which one of these names belongs to a Colonel Gomer meets?
To help Gomer think better, the Sergeant places a _____ on his head.
The Sergeant shares a name with which basketball player?
Andy implies Gomer is related to a...

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C''
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8/10. I like it when Sgt Carter says "Knock it off" when Gomer continues to sing. Also the expression on Carter's face when Gomer comes out in the dress blues is great.
Season 4, episode 32. Really?
I guess I'm real shaky on the timeline, but Gomer made it through basically 4 full seasons of TAGS? So, Goober and Barney were only in one season together? Because season 5 concluded the classic era of TAGS, when Don Knott's left after that. I've watched this show most of my life and that's just not how I remember it. I thought Gomer left fairly early in the series. I remember way more Goober then Gomer in TAGS. And I'm of course only talking about the first 5 seasons. I'd never watch any of those terrible post-Barney Fife color episodes.
I guess it makes sense, considering Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C started in 1964, but I really remember Goober being around a lot more then Gomer.
Season 4, episode 32. Really?
I guess I'm real shaky on the timeline, but Gomer made it through basically 4 full seasons of TAGS? So, Goober and Barney were only in one season together? Because season 5 concluded the classic era of TAGS, when Don Knott's left after that. I've watched this show most of my life and that's just not how I remember it. I thought Gomer left fairly early in the series. I remember way more Goober then Gomer in TAGS. And I'm of course only talking about the first 5 seasons. I'd never watch any of those terrible post-Barney Fife color episodes.
I guess it makes sense, considering Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C started in 1964, but I really remember Goober being around a lot more then Gomer.
Was this the last quiz? I was really enjoying doing these every night before I went to bed
6/10 - kinda a goofy one
wasn't Gomer going to be a brain surgeon? Of course anyone in mayberry could have been one (haha)
wasn't Gomer going to be a brain surgeon? Of course anyone in mayberry could have been one (haha)