Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Goober Takes Apart a Car"

In which Goober also undoes Andy!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 17: "Goober Takes Apart a Car". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Where did Barney take his vacation?
  2. Who phones Andy to say he can't man the phones?
  3. Goober is late because he's fixing ____'s car.
  4. Specifically, it's the _____ that Goober says is giving that car trouble.
  5. Goober lists ____ & _____ as the things that won't keep him from the courthouse.
  6. Floyd and Goober struggle to hear a "______" sound.
  7. "Sell it? What do you want to sell it for? I got it running like a ______."
  8. Sheriff Taylor threatens to ______ Goober.
  9. Who plans to meet Andy at the courthouse?
  10. What's that man's name?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Goober Takes Apart a Car"

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8176Morgan 5 months ago
4/10 A hard one for sure. A lot of guess work and I guessed most of them wrong! Oh well, better luck next time kid.
sjbang88 6 months ago
8/10 Goober was stupid, but not in a funny way
Buzzyleonard sjbang88 6 months ago
Say it again!
But he was born with a good pupil
BradBeall 6 months ago
9 of 10. At least a couple of the questions should've been about the actual car. Those old Ramblers were really cool!
Wendy57 BradBeall 6 months ago
When I was 4 yrs old, my family drove from California to Maine and back in one.
It had a makeshift “air conditioner” or swamp cooler mounted under the dash, that we stopped and got ice for. I sat between my parents in the front seat and the ice would melt and drip on my foot.
Memories. Fond memories.
Dandaniels Wendy57 6 months ago
It musta taken at least 4 days for the one-way trip across the country
Wendy57 Dandaniels 6 months ago
At least, and my Dad always liked to stop at historical and scenic stops along the way.
It was educational though. He was a teacher, so he always wanted to share interesting spots.
gockionni 6 months ago
8/10 and I’m not sure how I even did that well!
Dandaniels 6 months ago
5/10, I for one appreciate the visual humor of an entire car in the courthouse. I similarly liked the rummage sale that was packed into the courthouse during season one.
FLETCH 6 months ago
Whoa! 9 out of 10. By far my best score on any Andy Griffith quiz!

Funny episode too
BuzzFluheart 6 months ago
10/10. Another funny episode. "It's a beautiful thing to watch."
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