Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Mayberry on Record''

In which Barney puts his money where Andy's mouth is.

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each day with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 1, Episode 19: "Mayberry on Record". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Who does Barney think his paycheck should've been made out to?
  2. What is Andy's investment suggestion to Barney?
  3. What's the name of the fellow who rolls into town with the tape recorder?
  4. When Barney says "In my business, this baby does my talking for me," what is he referring to?
  5. Finish the lyrics to the song Andy sings: "I ain't got time to kiss you now, my _____ has run away."
  6. What song does Barney keep insisting on playing for the record producer?
  7. How does Barney finally decide to invest his money?
  8. What other Mayberry citizen joins Barney in his investment?
  9. What company agrees to distribute the album?
  10. How much money is the advance for?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Mayberry on Record''

Your Result...

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BuzzFluheart 11 months ago
10/10. I loved this episode and the line where Barney said, "another Buffalo nickel pointing the wrong way."
The music on this episode turned out to be very good. :)
GMACARVER7 12 months ago
10/10 Perfect Score love this episode
NorthFork 12 months ago
10/10 One of my favorite episodes of the first season. The music on TAGS was always so good. Not just the performances. But the sound track. Music was it's own character in this series.
Shipwreck7 12 months ago
Way to go! The band sounds great! Love this episode.
Coolrain 12 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Way to go! The band sounds great!
Wenatchee7 12 months ago
9/10 I broke away from my 8/10 finally.
mda 12 months ago
10/10. The bluegrass group was good.
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