Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "The County Nurse"
In which Andy tries to be a medical assistant!

CBS Television Distribution
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This quiz is about Season 2, Episode 24: "The County Nurse". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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What is Barney practicing when the episode begins?
Barney cites hawks, elk, and which animal as inspiration?
What's the county nurse's name?
Who is the nurse headed to see?
What is she trying to do?
Andy demonstrates two of these tools. Which one doesn't he explain?
Instead of helping like he wanted to, Barney gets...
"I don't want to be a dead hero! I want to be a live _______!"
What song does Andy say he'll sing at a hypothetical funeral?
Who else hasn't been checked off the nurse's list?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "The County Nurse"
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Aww shucks. 9 out of 10 again and I've seen the episode two dozen times at least over the years... My family and friends and dog will dis-own me because of this. I feel so ashamed 😞. As for the nurse Mary played by the very beautiful and charming Julie Adams. No wonder the Creature From The Black Lagoon had such a crush on her...