Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''The Mayberry Band''

In which the beat goes on, even though it shouldn't!

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 8: "The Mayberry Band". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Where is the band taking a trip to?
  2. The man we recognize as Jud Fletcher is named _________ in this episode.
  3. Floyd: "Every head, a walking _____________!"
  4. Barney got his crash cymbals from...
  5. Who is chairman of the dance committee for the apricot blossom festival?
  6. Why won't the mayor sign his approval for the trip?
  7. Which march does the band play for the mayor?
  8. Andy steals members from...
  9. Andy convinces the mayor he's mistaken ___________ for a goatee.
  10. What's Opie's door prize that he won at the movie house?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''The Mayberry Band''

Your Result...

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NorthFork 9 months ago
8/10 I hardly ever get the right answers to the epilouge questions.
tanya7100 10 months ago
Def Leppard...you're funny, MeTV Quiz Writer! :D
mda 10 months ago
9/10. They really fooled Mayor Stoner.
Sydneyb 10 months ago
What happened with watching the tv show on here
8176Morgan 10 months ago
I did really terrible on this one after being on such a roll. Only 5 out of 10. Wasn't the band leader though Bobby Fleet and not Freddy Fleet as is mentioned in #8, or maybe they just changed the name of the character a little bit. It's been done before?
Rick 8176Morgan 10 months ago
In the "Guitar Player" episodes, it was Bobby Fleet (and his Band with the Beat!), but they forgot his name by the time they made this one.
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