Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''TV or Not TV''

In which Andy and Barney unwittingly star in a heist!

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 23: "TV or Not TV." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Andy is written about in the...
  2. What's the title of the story?
  3. Barney's name is misspelled as...
  4. What's the name of the "production assistant?"
  5. According to Barney, what was last year's musical?
  6. What part did Barney have?
  7. Barney: "I wouldn't go anywhere without the ol' ________."
  8. Floyd mentions that he was deputized during...
  9. What Love Boat star guests here as Gilbert Jamel?
  10. Barney falls for the trap and agrees to show the "TV people"...

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''TV or Not TV''

Your Result...

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JHP 8 days ago
capable deputy BARN HA!!!!!!!!

but he was such a great comedian (insolent yelling turd)
mda 11 days ago
9/10. Barbara Stuart looked really nice in this episode.
JHP mda 8 days ago
didn't her hair-do on the back of her head creep you out? - she could have hidden a watermelon on the rear
Dandaniels 12 days ago
8/10, I’ve lost track of how many times someone’s attempted to rob the Mayberry Bank. There are only so many ways to tell that same story.
During the first 5 seasons, not sure about the color episodes, I only recall 2 other times. The fake FBI men and the one where Barney gets locked in the vault. What others?
Sherriff w/o a gun?
AllisonWunderland 12 days ago
7/10…I should’ve done a lot better 🥴 as I watch it almost daily.
Levels Your Score Average
1 98 83
2 97 79
3 55 81
4 97 77
Total 347 320
Wendy57 12 days ago
I missed #8.
Gavin MacLeod also played the lead in the Hollywood movie episode when they went out to watch them make
“ Sheriff Without a Gun” in CA . He was very funny in that, grabbing Opie’s autograph book and signing it before Opie even asks him for his signature.

“ We’ll get those Calhoun boys !”
frenchman71 12 days ago
9/10. Got #8 wrong. This was a great episode.
edcrumpacker 12 days ago
10/10 Outstandin'!
Great Barney episode!
Dysall 12 days ago
10/10. I didn't know 9 so I guessed it. Thought that they stopped expecting you to know the guest actor's real names.

I also wonder if they are going to start quizzes on the color Andy's soon. Running close to the end of the block and white episodes.
FredGoss88 Dysall 12 days ago
Zip 13 days ago
I did better than I should have on this one. I was thinking of the episode where Gavin Macleod played the character of Andy in the production of "Sheriff without a Gun."
FredGoss88 Zip 12 days ago
Just watched that one last night. 👍🏻
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