Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Enemy Within''

In which Kirk sees a whole new side to himself!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 1, Episode 5: "The Enemy Within." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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Saturdays at 10 PM

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  1. A geological technician falls and cuts his hand. What's his name?
  2. A duplicate Kirk is created by a...
  3. This Kirk doppelganger interrupts McCoy's work and demands...
  4. Kirk: "Mister Spock, if you see me slipping again, your orders, your orders are to ______ me."
  5. After the duplicate Kirk comes aboard, the real Kirk rapidly loses his ability to...
  6. Who says "I think we better give room service another call. That coffee's taking too long"?
  7. In a failed attempt to fix the transporter, Spock and Scott attached some _________ to compensate for the difference.
  8. Spock insists that Kirk's _____ will enable him to survive the transporter experiment.
  9. What are Other Kirk's last words?
  10. What ailments do the away team bring back?

Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Enemy Within''

Your Result...

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Bapa1 4 hours ago
4/10, that's because the other me took the quiz. That 'dog' should have been a regular character.
Runeshaper 1 day ago
3/10 Ouch! Must have been the frostbite!
edcrumpacker 1 day ago
"Most Fascinating"
"Live Long and Prosper"
FLETCH 1 day ago
5 out of 10. Terrible for a Trek fan 😭😭
Zip 1 day ago

This is illogical. I think I've gotten 7/10 on every one of these Star Trek quizzes so far. There must be a disturbance in the force. ...Sorry, that's another universe.
TheJackOfCups 1 day ago
Rebounded nicely from the last one
Sway 1 day ago
5/10… remember the episode but not those details. 😕
KJExpress 1 day ago
9/10. Got #8 wrong. "Oh, the humanity."
MikefromJersey 1 day ago
"You got 8 out of 10. Phew! Threat neutralized!"

Per the Law of Diminishing Returns, I have avoided watching Star Trek for some years because the episodes were
becoming too familiar, all the drama rendered meaningless.
I did that for a good 7 years with the Classic Magnum PI, and now I can enjoy watching them again.
I found a different solution to that problem. It's called "aging".
What were we talking about?
I enjoy when you put up these screenshots. Perhaps one day one from McHale's Navy might
sjbang88 1 day ago
5/10 "I Want to Live!" Did Kirk see the Susan Hayward movie?
CaptainDunsel 1 day ago
Note on the previous Trek quiz.
(Spoiler if you haven't taken it yet.)
"The Naked Time" was indeed the first appearance of the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. But that's because it was aired before "The Enemy Within". "Enemy" was filmed before "Naked Time", and the nerve pinch was created by Nimoy and Shatner to subdue Evil Kirk without clobbering him.
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