Did these M*A*S*H characters have more than one actor?
Have you noticed multiple actors playing the same role?

Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
As a result of changes made after the pilot episode or because appearances were stretched far apart, there were several characters that were played by more than one actor on M*A*S*H.
We know characters like Hawkeye, Radar and Hot Lips had the same respective actors play those roles throughout the series, but what about characters who had far less screen time?
Do you know if the following characters were ever portrayed by more than one actor?

Was the character of Father Mulcahy ever played by anyone other than William Christopher?
Was Col. Potter ever played by more than one actor?
Was Henry Blake ever played by more than one actor?
Was Rosie ever played by more than one actress?
Col. Sam Flagg had several aliases, but was the character played by more than one actor?
Was Lt. Nurse Kellye ever played by more than one actress?
Was Lt. Nurse Ginger Bayliss ever played by anyone other than Odessa Cleveland?
Was Donald Penobscott, Margaret’s husband, ever played by more than one actor?
Was Maj. Frank Burns played by anyone other than Larry Linville?
Was Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele played by anyone other than Harry Morgan?
Was Ho-Jon ever played by anyone other than Patrick Adiarte?
Was Klinger ever played by anyone other than Jamie Farr?
Was Igor Straminsky ever played by more than one actor?
Nurse Meg Cratty appeared twice in M*A*S*H, two seasons apart. Did more than one actress portray this character?

Did these M*A*S*H characters have more than one actor?
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You could’ve been a production manager on M*A*S*H given your knowledge of these characters and actors! Nice work!
You got 13 out of 14 - You could’ve been a production manager on M*A*S*H given your knowledge of these characters and actors! Nice work! I hesitated on #13 thinking there was a second actor but could not come up with his name.
Question # 14 about the two actresses who played Nurse Meg Cratty, the one actress Ann Doran played James Dean's mother in the movie Rebel Without a Cause. She played the countess in the Three Stooges short Three Sappy People (1939)
12-14 Missed Igor the 2 actor look a lot alike. Thought Bayless was played by 2 different woman but no. At first I wondered if they included the movie but after q3 I knew they didn't Radar was the only carry over from the film.