Do you know the old men of The Andy Griffith Show?

Recognize these elder fellers from Mayberry?

 CBS Television Distribution

Mayberry was a place filled with folks of all sorts and sizes and ages. You have Aunt Bee's friends, Opie's pals, and many assorted old men. They were farmers, businessmen, and just plain oddballs. 

It takes a true Andy Griffith Show expert to recognize them all. See if you can attach a name to these elder characters!

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  1. He was the first mayor of Mayberry. Well, the first one we saw on the show.
     CBS Television Distribution
  2. Burt Mustin showed up more than a dozen times. His character had a few different names, but is best known as…?
     CBS Television Distribution
  3. This cantankerous old business man was the villain of "Christmas Story"… until Andy and Ellie melted his heart.
     CBS Television Distribution
  4. This security guard was often found sleeping on the job.
     CBS Television Distribution
  5. He was Opie's not so "imaginary" friend.
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. He ran the cleaners in Mayberry.
     CBS Television Distribution
  7. He was the suspicious feller in "The Cow Thief."
     CBS Television Distribution
  8. Jon Lormer played Professor Dactyl on Batman and another "Old Man" on Star Trek, but in "The Cow Thief" he was a farmer named…?
     CBS Television Distribution
  9. He owned a hungry goat named "Jimmy."
     CBS Television Distribution
  10. Edgar Buchanan of Petticoat Junction played this feller in "Aunt Bee's Brief Encounter."
     CBS Television Distribution
  11. Wallace Ford played this old flame and suitor in "Aunt Bee's Romance."
     CBS Television Distribution
  12. He was peddling an elixir.
     CBS Television Distribution
  13. Highway construction threatened to take away his home in "Aunt Bee the Crusader."
     CBS Television Distribution
  14. This butter-and-eggs salesman popped up as "Aunt Bee's Invisible Beau."
     CBS Television Distribution

Do you know the old men of The Andy Griffith Show?

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8176Morgan 6 months ago
Whoa Nellie! 15/15 A couple of blind guesses pulled me through. For a guy who averages around 7/10 on TAGS quizzes I'd have to say that I am pretty proud of myself.🙂🙂
8176Morgan 8176Morgan 6 months ago
Ah, make that 14/14.
Dandaniels 8 months ago
14 out of 14, this was certainly easy. But where was Briscoe Darling and Jeff Pruitt?
Jackieorocks 9 months ago
14/14 The actor who played Colonel Harvey starred in a few episodes of The Rifleman also.
SDWriter Jackieorocks 8 months ago
John Dehner was a terrific and extremely busy character actor. He had hundreds of parts in movies and on TV.
jodyh05 11 months ago
Missed 2. Can never keep the mayors straight
RedSamRackham 30 months ago
* I always felt sorry for Andy having to deal with that wishy-washy senile Mayor Pike. BUT I scored 14 of 14.
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