Do you remember these Halloween specials from the '60s and '70s?
Did you watch these back in the day?

The Everett Collection
Nothing says "Happy Halloween" quite like TV!
Back in the day, there was nothing better than gathering around the tube with some popcorn to mark the holidays. Sure, Halloween specials may not get the love that Christmas specials do, but they're great just the same!
So, let's take a look back on some of the best Halloween specials of yesteryear. Tell us if you remember these ones from the '60s and '70s! Maybe we missed your favorite, and if that's the case, please let us know in the comments. We're hoping you can spark a conversation by sharing some great memories with your MeTV neighbors. Have fun!

"Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy in the Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile" (1979)
"The Fat Albert Halloween Special" (1977)
"The Flintstones Meet Rockula and Frankenstone" (1979)
"Casper the Friendly Ghost: He Ain't Scary, He's Our Brother" (1979)
"Halloween with the New Addams Family" (1977)
"It's Grinch Night" (1977)
"The Halloween That Almost Wasn't" (1979)
"Mad Monster Party?" (1967)
"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" (1966)
"The Love Boat - Ship of Ghouls" (1978)

Do you remember these Halloween specials from the '60s and '70s?
Your Result...
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70% similar. I wasn't very interested in many of them, was a teen/preteen. Had to check out Karloff though. I know, he voiced the Grinch-or was it narrated it? Long time.
I don't remember 8 of them.
I've got to find the Mad Monster Party. I remembered watching it as a kid.
Does anyone remember The Monster Club? With Vincent Price, John Carradine and Donal Pleasence? I own it and I watch it every Halloween!
I've got to find the Mad Monster Party. I remembered watching it as a kid.
Does anyone remember The Monster Club? With Vincent Price, John Carradine and Donal Pleasence? I own it and I watch it every Halloween!
Mad Monster Party was a movie, not a Halloween special. And I just watched it a few hours ago on DVD.
Halloween with the New Addams Family can be found on streaming, and I saw a funny RiffTrax of The Halloween That Almost Wasn't not too long ago online.
Halloween with the New Addams Family can be found on streaming, and I saw a funny RiffTrax of The Halloween That Almost Wasn't not too long ago online.
I am so glad they included the Grinch one. I was begging to think I imagined it. I remember almost nothing of it except him and Max were ridding a coach on a mountain path I think. Glad to see I am not crazy. Well, not in regards to the Grinch Halloween special. :)
Hi, well this is so much fun. Do you remember, fairytale Theatre little short stories are used to love that one
I really like Halloween specials, surprised so many had most people say they never heard of them. Check out YouTube,, for many of them.
Can not belive they forgot the famous, "The Paul Lynde Halloween Special" (76)... I think it has a cult following from Kiss fans!!!
Michael K
Brandon Mississippi
I really like Halloween specials, surprised so many had most people say they never heard of them. Check out YouTube,, for many of them.
Can not belive they forgot the famous, "The Paul Lynde Halloween Special" (76)... I think it has a cult following from Kiss fans!!!
Michael K
Brandon Mississippi
GREAT call, one...
THIS is the ultimate 70's TV special!! The perfect, over-the-top campy special for that decade. In addition to KISS, there was Margaret Hamilton from The Wizard of Oz, Witchiepoo, TIm Conway, Donny and Marie, and of course, "Mrs. Brady" singing a disco version of "That Old Black Magic".
I got it on DVD (YES. D...V..D... I'm old, baby!) a few years back and it's one of my most prized TV possessions!!
THIS is the ultimate 70's TV special!! The perfect, over-the-top campy special for that decade. In addition to KISS, there was Margaret Hamilton from The Wizard of Oz, Witchiepoo, TIm Conway, Donny and Marie, and of course, "Mrs. Brady" singing a disco version of "That Old Black Magic".
I got it on DVD (YES. D...V..D... I'm old, baby!) a few years back and it's one of my most prized TV possessions!!
I have watched online so many times I cannot count them. I have seen the dvd on eBay, but they either go fast or hold out for a high price. You are lucky to have a dvd.
You truly have to watch it several times to catch all the fun, and to appreciate the many talents in the show.
As the saying goes...Enjoy the show.
You truly have to watch it several times to catch all the fun, and to appreciate the many talents in the show.
As the saying goes...Enjoy the show.
Apple needs to give “Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” back to network television. Halloween isn’t the same without it. 😔
I remember The Fat Albert Halloween Special. A boy from the neighborhood played a prank on the gang when they visited what they all believed to be a haunted house. Fat Albert was dressed as a generic superhero, and the boy from the 'hood called him Superfats.
50%the mad monster party and it's the great pumpkin Charlie brown are the only ones here worth watching.
It's a shame Charlie Brown holiday specials aren't shown on network TV it was a tradition for years. Apple + was letting PBS show the main ones, there was an out cry from people threatening to cannel their subscriptions, but they playing Grinch no longer do that. Maybe MeTV Toons can pick them up.
"40% similar"
If some of these appeared when I got older, they would not have appealed to me
so I wouldn't have seen them. If they were shown on Halloween when I was young
I would have been out trick or treating.
If some of these appeared when I got older, they would not have appealed to me
so I wouldn't have seen them. If they were shown on Halloween when I was young
I would have been out trick or treating.
I’m a big Peanuts fan. Not so much for the merchandise but for the daily comic strips. I have all of the hardback Complete Peanuts books.
Do not hold on to them if it is in hopes of the value going up. They have been going down for years now. I have found them at garage sales for 50 cents. Plus, Younger generations have no interest in collecting them, barely have interest in watching them. The generation that would pay for them is dying off fast. So sell now if anyone offers good money for them. I wish I could find someone to pay $5 for each of my books.
80% similar. I love "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" ( I haven't heard of the other movies on the list.) The best part of Halloween! I also love "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," "A Charlie Brown Christmas," and "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown." Will you please air these specials, MeTV?