Do you remember what Halloween costumes these classic TV characters wore?


Do you have a go-to Halloween costume? Well, anyone who needs inspiration can always look to television. Characters are always dressing up in Halloween episodes.

Halloween episodes stick in your memory like Milk Duds in your teeth. They are always fan favorites.

We've gathered some of our favorite character costumes from TV past. See if you can remember the costumes!

  1. In the M*A*S*H episode "Trick or Treatment," B.J. is a clown. But what costume does Hawkeye wear?
  2. On the Cheers episode "Fairy Tales Can Come True," Frasier dressed at this character from a beloved chidren's novel.
  3. Arnold and Sam dressed as characters from this blockbuster 1984 movie on 'Diff'rent Strokes.'
  4. Richie wore this costume in the Happy Days episode "Haunted."
  5. George Jefferson dressed as this classic film comedian on "Now You See It, Now You Don't."
  6. Ralph Kramden wears a top hat and this in the Honeymooners episode "Halloween Party."
  7. Who is inside this dinosaur costume in the Flintstones episode "The Masquerade Party"?
  8. Fez dresses as this classic TV hero in the That '70s Show episode "Halloween."
     Image: Carsey-Warner Distribution
  9. The Douglas clan dresses up at this animal in a 1970 episode of My Three Sons.
  10. In Bewitched episode "The Safe and Sane Halloween," Samantha dressed Tabitha up as this.
     Image: Sony Pictures Television

Do you remember what Halloween costumes these classic TV characters wore?

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Snickers 42 months ago
Not bad 8 out of 10. Happy Halloween everyone!
BrianMoore 65 months ago
6 out of 10. That's what I get for not watching many Halloween episodes
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 5 out of 10

Yikes! I think the only episode I saw in this list was from Happy Days.
DavidH 65 months ago
9/10. Never did watch That '70s Show.
MrsPhilHarris 65 months ago
6/10 I thought I would have gotten all of them.
A couple of days ago I watched the Happy Days episode. One of my favourites.
anthony 65 months ago
7/10.Missed 6,8,and 10.I missed #6,"The Honeymooners" for the same reason cperrynaples did.And I probably missed The"Bewitched" one for the same reason.
RobCertSDSCascap 65 months ago
Too obscure for me.
Did they say ventilated? You could barely breathe and your face got hot! No wonder they stopped making those costumes...LOL!!
I kept mine on until my glasses got foggy.
Usually just a few houses.
SheriHeffner cperrynaples 65 months ago
Me too. I used to burn up in those costume face masks. Maybe that's why they stopped making them.
teire 65 months ago
8/10, missed Honeymooners and Bewitched, both on me. The instant I clicked princess an image of Tabitha as a leopard flashed into my mind, remembered Ralph’s grass skirt after the fact too (I chose barrel).
SheriHeffner teire 65 months ago
I remember her dressing Tabitha as a Princess but maybe that was when she was older.
cperrynaples 65 months ago
8/10 and comments! [1] I remember this episode! [2] DUH...Diane is Alice! [3]The only answer that made sense! [4] There's a picture behind him! [5] With that mustache, it was either Chaplin or Hitler...LOL! [6] FOUL PLAY! Ralph was a robot in Classic and you gave us a Lost Episode! [7]DUH...It was just on! [8] Got it right, but wouldn't Zorro make more sense for Fez? [9]Whiskers and ears! [10] My other mistake! Tabitha was a princess one year!
BrittReid cperrynaples 65 months ago
Ralph was 'The Man From Space' in the classic,not a robot.
cperrynaples BrittReid 65 months ago
Well, with all those pipes and parts, he might as well have been a robot!
UnicornPrincess 65 months ago
8/10! Missed Flinstones and Honeymooners.
Yes, Honeymooners is Lost not Classic!
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