How many characters from The Rifleman can you name?

Do you know all the residents of North Fork?

 Peter Rodgers Organization

Though The Rifleman mainly focused on the title character and his son, the world of the show was brought to life by the friends and neighbors the main characters interacted with. Whether they tended bar in the saloon, ran the general store or took care of people as the town doctor, the friendly folks of North Fork popped up in more than a few episodes.

How well do you know all the recurring characters of The Rifleman? See if you know everyone in North Fork like a local in this quiz!

Watch The Rifleman on MeTV!

Monday-Saturday at 3 PM & 3:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. The Rifleman himself was named...
  2. The Rifleman's son was named...
  3. What was Marshal Torrance's first name?
  4. The first owner of the general store was named...
  5. Ms. Scott became the second store proprietor. What was her first name?
  6. Though he was played by multiple actors, North Fork's doctor was always named...
  7. North Fork's resident blacksmith was named...
  8. In the show's final season, a new business owner came to town named...
  9. Though he was occasionally called Frank, most people referred to the bartender of the North Fork Saloon as...
  10. North Fork's banker shared a name with someone on U.S. currency. His name was John...

How many characters from The Rifleman can you name?

Your Result...

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GTStang08 4 days ago
10/10...Yeah...too easy. If you're a fan of the show, you know you aced it!
Zombi 3 months ago
10/10 I’m a Rifleman addict.
Iecabods 8 months ago

I pretty much kno the rifle man show
Irish 9 months ago
10/10 The Rifleman is a series I still watch. I've seen every episode.
Zombi 10 months ago
You got 10 out of 10

You know the people of North Fork like a local! Great job!

I’m a Rifleman addict.
Pastorgman 10 months ago
10/10 - Loved The Rifleman as a kid, love it now! Such a great show!
GTStang08 10 months ago
10/10...Too easy for me as "The Rifleman" is my top TV western.
ERROL 10 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You know the people of North Fork like a local! Great job!
flyhawk3 10 months ago
10/10 one of my favorite show to watch
Zip 11 months ago
Missed the doc and the bartender. Two people I make a habit of not going to.
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