How well do you know The Rifleman's opening title sequence?
Can you fire off the right answers to these detailed questions?

The opening title for The Rifleman starts off each episode with a bang… literally! Though relatively short when compared to other credit sequences, it gets the explosive point across quickly. Lucas McCain, armed with a mean rifle and an even meaner stare, is not someone you want to cross.
How well do you know the memorable sequence? See how many of these specific questions you can get right!

The very first shot of the opening sequence is a close-up of…
Which comes first?
What's the small discrepancy that happens when Lucas fires his rifle?
The title appears, the music plays then Lucas does what?
Does Lucas were a hat in the opening title sequence?
Does Lucas wear gloves in the opening title sequence?
As Lucas reloads the rifle, he looks into the camera and raises which eyebrow?
Where does Lucas get the bullet he reloads with?
How long does it take before we see Chuck Connors’ face?
How many buttons are on his shirt?
At the very end, Lucas passes a sign on a building that says what?
True or false: Johnny Crawford appears in the opening sequence for season 5.

How well do you know The Rifleman's opening title sequence?
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11/12...I forgot Lucas twirls that rifle around before angling it down, then digging in his left shirt pocket for some more bullets to reload...[sigh]...I knew better....
You got 8 out of 12
Did you shoot straight or were you a little off target? Yeah, I was definitely off target. Lol.
Did you shoot straight or were you a little off target? Yeah, I was definitely off target. Lol.
9/12. For someone who is not a Western fan, but did watch this show as a child because everybody else in the family liked it, that was better than I expected to do.
8 out of 12. No excuse for missing a few that I knew better on but had second thoughts about. Watch this show just about everyday. LOVE this show so much for decades. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
7/12 Lucas would have smoked me