How well do you remember the iconic Bugs Bunny cartoon ''What’s Opera, Doc?''
Do you know all the details of this iconic cartoon?

Besides being heralded as one of the greatest animated shorts ever made and getting selected for preservation by the Library of Congress, the classic Bugs Bunny outing "What's Opera, Doc?" is also just an extremely entertaining cartoon.
Its impressive coloring and musical parody, plus some good old-fashioned "wabbit" hunting, help make it a favorite of Looney Tunes experts and casual fans alike.
How well do you remember this famous short? Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz!

Whose shadow is shown at the very beginning?
“Be vewy quiet, I’m hunting wabbits” is the first thing out of Elmer’s mouth. Does he sing it or say it?
What is Elmer singing here?
What comes after Bugs sings, “Oh mighty warrior of great fighting stock…”
Elmer says he’ll be able to get the rabbit because of his spear and…
How does Elmer show Bugs his magic?
What catches Elmer’s eye?
What color is the horse’s mane and tale?
Elmers sings “Oh Brünnhilde you’re so…”
How does Elmer find out Brünnhilde is really Bugs?
What does Elmer hit Bugs with?
Bugs breaks the fourth wall at the end to say what?

How well do you remember the iconic Bugs Bunny cartoon ''What’s Opera, Doc?''
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