If you were a chef, which classic sitcom family would you serve?

Dinner on classic sitcoms just got much tastier because you're cooking!

 CBS Television Distribution

Grab your apron and favorite spatula and head to the kitchen because you're cooking a feast for a special classic sitcom family. Who will that family be? You'll have to answer the questions in this quiz to see.

Cooking for these families will be challenging, though. You'll find yourself running into a few problems.

Have fun with this chaotic quiz!

  1. You just walked into the kitchen. What are you doing first?
  2. How many people are you willing to cook for?
  3. What dinner are you cooking?
  4. After you prepare the salad, you decide to leave it on the corner of the counter, and it fell. What would you do next?
  5. Which of these would you add to the dinner?
  6. What beverage(s) would you put on the table with the dinner?
  7. What type of glass will you pour the beverages into?
  8. As you carry glass plates to the dinner table, you slip on something on the floor and the plates break. What would you do next?
  9. You decide to sit down because you're tired, but then you smell something burning. What would you do?
  10. False alarm. It wasn't the food burning. You just accidentally put a sponge in the oven. You finally finish cooking, and your classic sitcom family walks through the door. How do you feel?

If you were a chef, which classic sitcom family would you serve?

Your Result...

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gockionni 6 months ago
I’m cooking for the Cleavers! Hope I do dinner justice!
Adamtwelvia 9 months ago
Cool! I'm cooking with June! Maybe she csn share some recipies with me!
Lillyrose 24 months ago
The Cleavers. Leave it to Beaver is one of my favorite shows.
Flash4001 25 months ago
Oh Stewardess... I speak Jive. I got The Cleavers.
Aww... Heck Beev
Geronimo 25 months ago
I'm cooking for The Cleavers.
Nice choice
Rob 25 months ago
I got the Cleavers. I am not going to wear a pearl necklace!
RobertK 25 months ago
I got the Cleavers. I could do that. The only thing I would add that wasn't on the beverage list would be coffee. It seems there was usually a pot of coffee somewhere near the table. I also wouldn't get too fancy for a daily meal. I'd keep it simple and make it fun! Enjoy!!
tootsieg 25 months ago
The Bradys??!! 8 people! Holy cow! I hope Alice came to help me out.
Sally 25 months ago
I got the Cleavers! I'm happy about that
CaptainDunsel 25 months ago
The Cleavers
Now, for the real answers to several questions:
1. Put on my apron
2. 6 people
3. Duck and Andoiulle etoufe with wild rice
5. Fresh baked sourdough bread
8. Who has just one set of plates?
Bapa1 25 months ago
The Bradys!? I would throw them out.
Zip 25 months ago
I wanted the Harpers(don't know if they're even one of the options), but I got the Cleavers.
Oh well, that would be nice too.
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