Pick the correct animal to complete these TV show titles

Classic television is a real zoo.

It's a breakout at the zoo! The animals are on the loose!

It's your task to put them back in the right place.

Below you will find a dozen classic TV show titles with a word missing. Fill in the blanks by picking the animals that represent the correct words. Quick hint: These are all live-action series. No cartoons.

Good luck, ranger!
  1. Leave It to _______?
  2. Captain _______?
  3. Planet of the _______?
  4. B.J. and the _______?
  5. Black _______ Squadron?
  6. The Amazing _______-Man?
  7. A Man Called _______?
  8. _______ Masterson?
  9. Air_______?
  10. Iron _______?
  11. Garrison's _______?
  12. T.H.E. _______?

Pick the correct animal to complete these TV show titles

Your Result...

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Snickers 45 months ago
A perfect 12 for 12. I really know my animal series.
idkwut2use 55 months ago
11, though there was a lot more total guessing than anticipated!
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
When it comes to TV trivia — and zoology — you're as wise as an owl! Put that human brain to work on another quiz.

I got lucky with some of those guesses LOL
rycki1138 70 months ago
12 out of 12
When it comes to TV trivia — and zoology — you're as wise as an owl! Put that human brain to work on another quiz.
ndebrabant 71 months ago

You got 11 out of 12
When it comes to TV trivia — and zoology — you're as wise as an owl! Put that human brain to work on another quiz.
All I could think of was A Man Called Shenandoah.
EllisClevenger 74 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
When it comes to TV trivia — and zoology — you're as wise as an owl! Put that human brain to work on another quiz.
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