Quick – can you I.D. who the Flintstones are based on?
Do you know who inspired your favorite character?

When you watch the show, you can't help but be taken back to cartoons as a kid, watching on Saturday mornings over a bowl of cereal in your favorite pajamas.
To others, the Flintstones bring a different kind of nostalgia. This classic TV family reminds many of another show, with another set of friends who are just as charismatic and memorable. We're talking, of course, about the 1955 sitcom The Honeymooners. The show centered around the Kramdens and the Nortons, family friends who typically have to overcome Ralph Kramden's short-sighted mistakes. These sketches were sporadically produced until 1978, and supposedly provided the basis for America's Stone Age family.
We're curious to see if you can spot which character on The Honeymooners inspired each Flintstones main character. Can you I.D. who the Flintstones are based on? Good luck!
Which character from The Honeymooners is Fred Flintstone based on?
Which character from The Honeymooners is Betty Rubble based on?
Which character from The Honeymooners is Barney Rubbble based on?
Which character from The Honeymooners is Wilma Flintstone based on?

Quick – can you I.D. who the Flintstones are based on?
Your Result...
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Where they pull into the Drive-In and the waitress brings the huge rack of ribs to the car and the car flips over from the sheer weight...?
Why are we not seeing that opening? Anyone know...?
I wasn't born until November of 1962 so my memories of the Flintstones are watching in syndication/reruns mostly. So, I would've been too young to have seen this beginning for first-run episodes...but for the reruns they must have used the later one for ALL episodes because throughout the late 60's and early 70's I watched The Flintstones every single day (while my mom was cooking dinner) and it was always the newer beginning.
Boy, I hope I'm not wrong about that because my recall hasn't been so good lately and I'm only going to be 57 years old next month...
Those were great! Those and the Abbott and Costello parody cartoon(s). Loved those!
Nice first 100 in a while. :)
The honeymooners would be a good show to see again as well. Even though before my time I have seen several of their episodes and they are funny.
Even Mrs. Howell stole it.
My favorite:
Ralph: Did you ever see pictures of me when I only weighed 200 pounds?
Ed: No, Ralph. I never saw any of your baby pictures!
You'd never get away with dialog like that today.