There's no way you can ace this TV holiday episode quiz
Try to guess if these were Halloween episodes or Christmas episodes!

CBS Television Distribution
Television shows love to celebrate the holidays, just like the rest of us. Over the years, there have been countless memorable Christmas and Halloween stories told on TV, from sitcoms to Westerns.
But can you tell the difference between Christmas and Halloween… from the title alone?
The following episodes were all holiday-themed. Try to guess the correct holiday. Not to be a Grinch, but it's a wicked quiz!
Happy Days - "Fonsillectomy"
Cheers - "Fairy Tales Can Come True"
Kolchak: The Night Stalker - "The Werewolf"
The Twilight Zone - "Night of the Meek"
Wonder Woman - "The Deadly Toys"
Touched by an Angel - "The Invitation"
Adam-12 - "Log 46: The Pilgrimage"
Perry Mason: "The Case of the Dodging Domino"
Magnum, P.I. - "The Woman on the Beach"
Kojak - "How Cruel the Frost, How Bright the Stars"
Lassie - "The UNICEF Story"
The Waltons - "The Spirit"
The Waltons - "The Changeling"
Newhart - "Take Me to Your Loudon"
Gunsmoke - "Magnus"
Have Gun - Will Travel - "The Hanging Cross"
M*A*S*H - "Death Takes a Holiday"
Wings - "The Gift of Life"

There's no way you can ace this TV holiday episode quiz
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13/18 I was too ashamed to post my score when I took this three days ago. I did much better the second time around! 😜
You got 15 out of 18
Looks like you picked the correct holidays! Nice work out there!
I disagree with the Kolchak episode being a Christmas Episode because it aired on November 1, and there were 6 more episodes that aired after it and before December 25th. including one that aired on December 20th.
Looks like you picked the correct holidays! Nice work out there!
I disagree with the Kolchak episode being a Christmas Episode because it aired on November 1, and there were 6 more episodes that aired after it and before December 25th. including one that aired on December 20th.
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11 of 18. A LOT of guesses. It seems Christmas starts the day after Halloween ends and are celebrated so closely these days, You can finish off the Halloween candy while watching Hallmark Christmas movies!