These actors share the same last name as which fictional TV characters?
Can you match names like Cartwright, Douglas and Bosley to the right actors?

How well do you know the names of the stars in some of your favorite classic shows? Have you ever noticed similarities between an actor’s real name and a fictional character’s name on a different series? If the answer is yes, you’ll probably do well on this quiz!
We’ll show you a TV actor and you have to guess which fictional character has the same last name. Good luck!
This Gunsmoke star shares a last name with which TV character?
Image: The Everett Collection
This Lost in Space actress has the same last name as which Western character?
This Addams Family star shares a last name with which TV detective?
This actress was a Beverly Hillbilly and also has the same last name as which fictional character?
This Andy Griffith Show actor shares a last name with which sci-fi character?
Another Mayberry actor shares a name with a fictional Mayberry resident! Who is it?
This Brady Bunch actor has the same last name as which TV character?
The actor who played this Happy Days dad shares a last name with which character?
This M*A*S*H star has the same last name as which TV character?
She starred in The Rifleman but shares a last name with a character from a different show. Who is it?

These actors share the same last name as which fictional TV characters?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Batman - Since 66

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Caddyshack - Freeze Gopher

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

9/10… Would’ve had a perfect score but on one of them… Otis Campbell… I just thought Campbell instead of Hal Smith!
Unlike some haircuts, you're not permanently stuck with this quiz. Whether you got them all right or missed a few, why not try another?