Was it Frank Gorshin or Cesar Romero?

Riddle me this... Their filmographies were no joke!

 Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Batman is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic heroes of any medium. 

But, as great as he is, the Caped Crusader would be nothing without his iconic villains. If not for his rogues gallery, Batman would be chasing after petty street criminals. That would get old really quickly. 

Up at the top of any list of Batman's greatest foes are The Joker and The Riddler. They were catapulted into the public consciousness in part by legendary performances from Cesar Romero and Frank Gorshin, respectively, in the 1966 Batman series. 

But Romero and Gorshin had careers outside of their purple and green suits. We want to know if you remember their other work. We'll name a movie, and you tell us whether it was Frank Gorshin or Cesar Romero that starred in it! Let us know your favorite of them all, and your score, in the comments section below!

Watch Batman on MeTV!

Saturdays at 10:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Ocean's Eleven
  2. 12 Monkeys
  3. The Little Princess
  4. Vera Cruz
  5. Bells Are Ringing
  6. That Darn Cat!
  7. Madigan's Millions
  8. Donovan's Reef
  9. Beverly Hills Bodysnatchers
  10. The True Story of Jesse James

Was it Frank Gorshin or Cesar Romero?

Your Result...

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KJExpress 18 days ago
I'm not up on thrillers or anything bordering horror. 🤷🏻‍♀️
MrsPhilHarris KJExpress 18 days ago
KJ you need to answer below the movie. 😁
texasluva KJExpress 18 days ago
down below and guess. This movie is one of the best
Rather below the quiz.
KJExpress MrsPhilHarris 18 days ago
Yeah I know I goofed but I don't know the movie, so it doesn't matter. ☺️
MrsPhilHarris KJExpress 18 days ago
Neither do I. 🤭
texasluva KJExpress 4 days ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz. See you @ https://www.metv.com/quiz/whos-that-twilight-zone-guest-star
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly.
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
Deleted 18 days ago
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MrsPhilHarris 16 days ago
Sounds excellent! I love seeing those old premieres. Every one looked so glamorous. A star Is Born has been made 4 or 5 times now. North By Northwest is a good one. Actually any Hitchcock movie is worth watching.
texasluva 11 days ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. See you @ https://www.metv.com/quiz/test-your-prehistoric-knowledge-with-this-dinosaur-movie-quiz
9 P.M. Sharp (Friday) CT. Stop by .
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
texasluva 11 days ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. Good luck and enjoy. See you @ https://www.metv.com/quiz/test-your-prehistoric-knowledge-with-this-dinosaur-movie-quiz
texasluva 4 days ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. Good luck and enjoy. See you @ https://www.metv.com/quiz/whos-that-twilight-zone-guest-star
Deleted 19 days ago
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texasluva 6 days ago
Understand. The hospital I went to a few times is so good. They have close to 700 rooms and that is only one of 4 in my county. I have UHC and all of them accept insurance. Though you have to pay $250 a day up to 5 days and after that it's zero. They will if you are able to send you home or to a rehab place which is covered for 21 days. I am so happy you have gone home from that terrible experience and hope up to par soon.

texasluva 4 days ago
See you @ https://www.metv.com/quiz/whos-that-twilight-zone-guest-star
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly.
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
KJExpress 4 days ago
I'm glad you are home! Sounds like you had a rough time of it. Truly awful to hear what you were going through. Hopefully you are feeling better. 🤗
MrsPhilHarris 4 days ago
Oh I am so glad you are home. I was thinking about you and Maggie and Molly. They must have been so worried.
101DEGREEZZZ 25 days ago
9 out of 10 but went with gut feeling on every one of them. I watched over 50 years ago and I couldn’t answer one question by knowledge.
Would you rather be smart or lucky?
BradBeall 26 days ago
Only 5 of 10, because I never heard of most of those movies, and honestly can't remember seeing even one of them.
Kid 26 days ago
9/10 knew most but considered it lucky !
ww245 27 days ago
9/10! Not bad for guess work on a few of these! WOOHOO! Yeay me!
MeFanFromSavan 27 days ago
8/10 Knew three Cesar Romero movie appearances, the rest were guesses.
Geronimo 28 days ago
Was it Frank Gorshin or Cesar Romero?
You got 9 out of 10
Well, did you pass or were you the joke of this quiz?
kevopilis 28 days ago
Not a Batman quiz is it? No thanks. Maybe later.
JoonBug 28 days ago
9/10. I guess it's been a while since I watched the original Oceans 11? That was the one that tripped me up.
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