We can guess your age based on your earliest TV memories
Did you first start watching shows in black and white or color? Did you have 3 channels or 300?

Like many other things, how we consume entertainment has changed a lot in the last half century. Ever since the dawn of television, a new innovation occurred at least once a decade, meaning kids born just a few years later had a different experience.
Whether it was switching to color, getting new channels with cable, adding things like video games and VHS players or never knowing a time before any of those, your earliest experiences in front of a television set can reveal a lot about you. Maybe even your age!
Answers these nostalgic questions about your earliest TV memories and find out if we can guess your exact age or if we’re way off.
Was the very first TV show you ever watched in black and white or color?
What type of set was the first television you watched?
What was the first TV remote you ever held?
How many channels could you watch in your earliest TV days?
Did you always have a TV or do you remember the day you got one?
What did you have hooked up to the TV in your earliest memories?
What’s the first television event you remember watching?
Who was a TV hero you admired as a kid?
What kind of snacks did you eat when you watched TV as a kid?
What kind of drink did you sip when you watched TV as a kid?

We can guess your age based on your earliest TV memories
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