Were these actors in Invaders from Mars 1953 or 1986?

Original? Or remake?!

 20th Century Fox/The Cannon Group, Inc.

When people deride remakes, they're usually not thinking of Invaders from Mars 1986. While many reboots are money-grabbing cash-ins meant to drain a few more dollars out of a beloved property, this one actually had a real Master of Horror at the helm. Texas Chain Saw Massacre director Tobe Hooper is behind the lens for Invaders '86, and the proof is in the pudding.

Whether you're a fan of the original or a fanatic for the more recent edition, this quiz is for you! We'll name an actor, and you tell us which version they're in.

Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below! 

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  1. Milburn Stone
  2. Helena Carter
  3. Bud Cort
  4. Barbara Billingsley
  5. Karen Black
  6. Laraine Newman
  7. Louise Fletcher
  8. Leif Erickson
  9. Morris Ankrum
  10. Max Wagner

Were these actors in Invaders from Mars 1953 or 1986?

Your Result...

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Tresix 5 months ago
Then, there’s Jimmy Hunt, who was in both versions.
TammyMeador 5 months ago
You got 6 out of 10
That's ok, these things are confusing, after all!👻👻
CortneyNicole 5 months ago
7/10 Haven't seen this movie but it's a random guess.
Earlbob1117 5 months ago
Fred Rutherford (Richard Deacon) was also in the movie. He plays an M.P. (uncredited).
And in all matters "Invaders," he INSISTED on speaking with "The Lord of The Manor."
Ready2go 5 months ago
10/10. !953s version is a favorite among 50s sci fi. Seen it a million times.
MikefromJersey Ready2go 5 months ago
I agree with you 100%, there was no need for a remake.
Rebeav MikefromJersey 5 months ago
Remake wasnt bad - better than most! I like both.
Tresix Rebeav 5 months ago
I thought the Martians in the remake looked too cartoony.
krpurtell 5 months ago
Haven't seen the Original in years & looking forward to it.
frenchman71 5 months ago
In the '53 version how about that choir music when someone would be walking out to the sands and get swallowed up. That cracks me up every time. Kinda like in "The Omen".
frenchman71 5 months ago
7/10. Don't remember June Cleaver in the '53 version.
Bapa1 frenchman71 5 months ago
"Ward, I'm worried about the Martian."
Ready2go frenchman71 5 months ago
She was Arthur Franz' secretary at the planetarium.
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