Who said these famous '70s TV catchphrases?

If you think you know who said what, then you can ''come on down!''


Every once in a while, a character on TV says something so simple, so sweet, so iconic, that audiences around the world can't help but adapt it into their everyday vernacular. There's nothing more satisfying than delivering a well-placed one-liner in honor of your favorite television characters, and the 1970s were full of great moments like this.

We've asked the question in a multitude of ways, but now we want to know: Do you know who said these famous '70s TV catchphrases? Good luck!

Watch Happy Days on MeTV!

Sundays at 10 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Who said, "Dy-No-Mite!"?
  2. Who said, "Aaaayyy!"?
  3. Who said, "Elizabeth! I'm comin' to join ya!"?
  4. Who said, "God'll get you for that"?
  5. Who said, "Wah-wah-wah"?
  6. Who said, "Nanu, Nanu"?
  7. Who said, "Up your nose with a rubber hose"?
  8. Who said, "What'choo talking 'bout, Willis?"
  9. Who said, "You've got spunk..."?
  10. Who said, "Who loves ya, baby?"

Who said these famous '70s TV catchphrases?

Your Result...

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ruswilinc 3 months ago

9/10. Who knew wah wah wah! I pretty much stopped watching Happy Days before Crotchy showed up.
tbrian 12 months ago
I got 9 out of 10. Don't remember Chachi having a catch phrase.
IndianaRockz 14 months ago
10/10 had to guess on the Chachi wah wah wah one.
Lacey 30 months ago
9/10 I don't remember "Wah-wah-wah" ever being a catch phrase.
KevinHartford 35 months ago
That was way too easy! You could make it a little more challenging next time!
AnnaRentzVandenhazel 35 months ago
10/10, after restRtung twice because the stupid quiz kept choosing choosing the wrong answers when I clearly picked the right ones!

And please fix the TV screen image with the title. These aren't "TU catchphrases "!
RachelR 35 months ago
I missed number 5. I was never much of a Happy Days fan for some reason.
RedjacArbez 43 months ago
#9 is false,,,it was not a catchphrase. It was said only one time when Lou hired Mary.
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