Did you ever imagine transporting into the Peanuts special to keep Linus company?
Adorable '80s kids discussed how Linus should pass time waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

The Peanuts Halloween special It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown premiered in 1966, and more than 50 years later, kids today are still tuning in to watch Linus wait in the pumpkin patch to meet his hero.
Eighties kids were just as fond as Sixties kids and kids today of this classic TV special, and in 1989, a Tennessee newspaper collaborated with a classroom of third-grade students to find out what kids in the real world would do if they were in Linus’ shoes, passing a night in a pumpkin patch.
Answering a prompt, "What would you do if you were waiting with Linus for the arrival of the Great Pumpkin," kids had some creative responses.
"I would bring a soccer ball and kick it until Linus told me the Great Pumpkin was here," opined one boy named Jeff.
Most kids thought telling ghost stories was the way to go.
"I’d tell ghost stories and make sure the soil was good, and I’d water it, and wait," said a girl named Katherine.
One boy even revealed which ghost story he would tell.
"Tell ghost stories like this one. There was a old lady all skin and stone and bone. She went by the graveyard and she saw a bone lying there – ooohhh! – above the tent. She went to get a broom and she open the door and … BOO!" a boy named Delnar responded.
Some kids admitted they might not have what it takes to wait out the Great Pumpkin, like Jessica, who said she’d lay down in the patch and say, "Wake me up if he comes."
Only one kid confessed that she would be scared if she was in Linus’ shoes.
"I would be very scared, but I’d be as quiet as possible," explained little Holly. "And then I’d lay on my back and stare at the moon, and the moon would stare back. And so would the stars. I wouldn’t hear Linus talk, I was concentrating so hard. Boy, it sure was hard to be so quiet, but I was. I wish I wasn’t scared, but I just plain was!"
What would you do to wait out the Great Pumpkin? Maybe if you watch the Halloween classic this year, you can ask the kids in your audience!


Some PBS shows I'll watch, some I won't.
At age 59, I STILL watch Mr. Rogers on the weekends. I'll watch him when I'm 99 if I have to.
Thank you for doing that!!
Well, not really to there.
But I do often think of inventing an inter-dimensional time machine and transporting myself into the worlds of my favorite shows, like Little House on the Prairie, Gomer Pyle USMC, The Andy Griffith Show, Mama's Familly, etc.
Of course, I may first go into the world of say, The Greatest American Hero and somehow obtain his superpower suit, and maybe into the Star Wars movies to get a light sabre, and stuff like that. Then it would be neat if I could bring that stuff not only to those other shows but back to the real world as well.(The real world as in the world we live in, not those awful reality shows they used to play on MTV)
Nobody could say no to me because of how adorable I was 🙂. Then I would cap off the night by watching the Great Pumpkin special at 8pm. It used to come on CBS back in the '80s. As I got older, things changed for me on Halloween of course but I still had lots of fun.
Halloween is a special day for me. I love it and I own the Great Pumpkin special now so I can watch it every year again🎃🦇🕷️🕸️🎃🖖!
It all started in the mid 70's with the candy man case where that father put poison in the candy of his kids to collect life insurance money..
Otherwise it was great to get those Carmel popcorn balls, and full size candy bars back then..
Just a thought .....
Who has this franchise locked up? Streaming or for purchase only?