Henry Winkler on how he'd like to see The Fonz leave Happy Days

It was tough to say goodbye to a character he loved so much.

CBS Television Distribution

Leaving someone behind is difficult. But, if you get to say goodbye on your own terms, it's just a bit easier than expected.

Henry Winkler loved playing The Fonz in Happy Days, but it wasn't a character he had planned on saying goodbye to earlier than expected. "I must love a character in order to be able to play him," said Winkler during an interview with the Daily Breeze.

"I am an actor playing the role," he said. "I take Henry with me when I play Fonzie."

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Of course, a high price was required for the glamor of fame. Winkler explained that no matter how high his star flew, he "Sometimes it's as if the devil is behind me," he said. "Sometimes it's a lot of fun...it's a lot of fun to giggle and enjoy it. But it never allows you to get comfortable. There are so many things thrown at you that can pervert you."

Winkler stayed with Happy Days until the very last episode. But as someone who had spent a number of years on the series, he had a rough idea of how he'd like to say goodbye to viewers, should he ever leave the show a bit earlier.

"The last show, I think of having a scene along with Ronnie Howard," said Winkler. "I'd say: 'You know, you really are a good friend. I'm leaving now, but I'll never forget you."

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Brad 1 month ago
Any "real life" Fonzi - a motorcycle guy with a love for adventure, women and good times, and an equally strong disdain for life's "less than ideal" situations such as living in Milwaukee in the winter, would have packed his belongings into his bedroll, tied them onto the back of his bike, and headed to the West Coast as soon as he had the necessary funds in his pocket. This singular situation could've made an outstanding single or even double episode. Perhaps even another of the seemingly hundreds of Happy Days "spin off" shows. Fonzi could've ridden out to Los Angeles, and joined the Hell's Angels (after trading his Triumph in for a Harley, of course). Or he could've just ditched the whole biker thing and became a surfer-beach bum kinda guy who starts hanging out with an up-and-coming LA area rock band. The possibilities are endless
MarioNYC 1 month ago
The title and article are badly written. Happy Days ended long ago. The title and article make it sound like it hasn't ended yet.
dh41144 1 month ago
They could have wrapped up the everlasting mystery of Chuck Cunningham.

Option 1 – Fonzie was Chuck’s alter ego
Option 2 – Fonzie killed Chuck to become a member of the Cunningham family.

Either option has the final scene having Fonzie led away in handcuffs.
PhilK 1 month ago
or he could have been eaten by that shark
Runeshaper 2 months ago
Sounds like Winkler had a solid and emotional ending in mind. I dig it (-:
top_cat_james_1 2 months ago
The final episode had a ridiculously rushed subplot where Fonzie adopts a young boy that felt like it was tacked on at the last minute to give the character some kind of "closure". Would it have hurt the writers to have had at least one earlier episode to introduce the kid to viewers so they wouldn't feel blindsided?
Yeah, and wasn't it weird that in the last broadcasts, the boy wasn't there and Joanie & Chachi were not together? Blame ABC for shelving those episodes!
ABC wanted to air the finale during the May ratings sweeps but because of pre-emptions (no new episodes between Jan 31 and Apr 24) they fell behind schedule. The only other solutions would have been to let the series run through the summer, show three episodes a week to catch up or just show the finale and forget the other episodes (what ABC did with Mr. Belvedere).
The big problem here is the stupid notion that episodes HAVE to be shown in the exact order the network did in both reruns and DVDs. Usually the production order is better than the mostly arbitrary aired order.
Jon Wiseguy70005 1 month ago
I agree. Another example is the 2nd-to-last LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, which had been filmed 4th of 39 for the season. In "The Clothing Drive", Beaver is collecting used clothing to donate to a charity through his school class. I saw it again recently, and it's not a bad episode. It was badly out of place though, as it was aired after Beaver & Wally graduated and Beaver was planning a cross-country summer bus tour. Then there was a final bit of weirdness in the finale. Even though Beaver & Wally were done with school by this time, Ward says at the end that the boys liked looking at the family scrapbook as it took them away from their homework for a few minutes.
cperrynaples 2 months ago
It really didn't end that way! Depending on which way you count the episodes, either Fonzie attended the wedding of Joanie & Chachi OR he got in the middle of that horrible pie fight! The wedding was the last shot and the pie fight was the last broadcast!
Ron Howard had had enough.
Yeah, he did come home for his sister's wedding, but that was it!
He did? I barely remember the last season. 😁
scp cperrynaples 1 month ago
Still better than Chuck, though; he didn't bother to show up for his own sister's wedding.
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