Jim Nabors couldn't understand why some people didn't like him

Who wouldn't love Gomer Pyle?

CBS Television Distribution

The phrase "You can't win 'em all" is some pretty solid advice. You'll never be able to gain the approval of every person you meet, and to attempt to do so is futile.

Jim Nabors worked hard to earn his success and the worldwide appeal that came with it. Nabors won audiences over with his character of Gomer Pyle in series like The Andy Griffith Show and Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. Later, Nabors charmed crowds just by being himself in The Jim Nabors Hour. By the time the actor moved away from show business, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't love Jim Nabors.

However, Nabors had a difficult time with the realization that there would be people who didn't like him. This problem wasn't due to any arrogance on his part, but rather the actor's own amiable nature.

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"The hardest thing for me to accept was that everyone didn't like me," said Nabors during an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. "I just couldn't understand that. Heck, I like everyone. Well, almost everyone."

But while Nabors couldn't win everyone's approval, he certainly performed his fair share of good deeds, adding merit to his character. For example, once the actor finally achieved fame and fortune, he used that money to take his family on the vacation they had always wanted and deserved.

"I've always enjoyed traveling," said Nabors. "But there was a time when I couldn't afford it. And when you're traveling like this...when you're working...you don't get to see a thing. I guess the other reward is that I was finally able to do something for my family. We sure didn't have much going for us for a long time. Heck, my mother worked as a waitress in one of those truck-stop restaurants seven nights a week for seventeen years, so the kids could go to college. You have to appreciate something like that."

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Blcakandwhitetvfan 2 months ago
Can't imagine not liking Jim Nabors. I think Andy Griffith was an unspoken person when he said "well almost everyone". He almost beat him up once for the way he treated Frances Bavier. He followed him off set and said "I don't care if this is your show, I don't want to ever hear you talk to her like that again she's a nice lady!" And generally speaking, when someone as nice as he was gets angry you don't want to wrangle with him.
Having one disagreement does not indicate a general dislike. Griffith and Neighbors had a good relationship. A little knowledge in the hands of some fans is a ridiculous thing.
tootsieg 2 months ago
Nice interview. Jim Nabors liked everyone. Well…..almost everyone.
Jacki 2 months ago
I've always liked Gomer Pyle and Jim Nabors he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
Jacki Jacki 1 month ago
But sometimes by being nice, people think you're naive or even stupid, which not-nice people poke fun of, make inside jokes, or even insinuate veiled threats that they think the nice person won't understand. I guess that's the price nice people pay. But they have to remember like the song goes..."one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch". Difficult to do, but you can't let difficult people change you.
sjbang88 2 months ago
One may be irritated by the character Gomer Pyle, which I am, but I've never read anything bad about Jim Nabors, as a matter of fact Carol Burnett loved him and considered him a good luck charm.
FrankensteinLover 2 months ago
Never heard a bad thing about Jim, seemed like such an all around great person.
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