Jim Nabors reveals the one skill that eluded his talent
He could sing, he could act, he could do seemingly anything!

No matter who you are or how talented you may be, ultimately, nobody is good at everything.
If you're lucky, you have one special thing that you're great at, but even that's rare. Most of us are just trying our best to get through the day and whatever tasks it presents us with. Those of us blessed with the time and energy to hone a skill know that it might not always come easy.
Jim Nabors, though, is an exception to every preconceived notion about talent or skill that anyone has ever had. The man was so preternaturally gifted with the entertainment gene that others looked like they were slacking. He's one of the few people in the world who are actually capable of carrying an entire variety show. Most of his peers paled in comparison.

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*available in most MeTV marketsBut in a 1969 interview with The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Nabors revealed that not everything came as easy as you might think.
"Let's face it, dancing isn't one of my strong points," said Nabors.
The admission came a few months after a disastrous nightclub appearance in Lake Tahoe. The night's choreography demanded a high kick. Nabors not only injured his leg but also split his pants. This, of course, wasn't close to the disaster he would've experienced had the high kick been asked for on TV.
"It was bad enough dancing with split pants before an audience of several hundred. Can you imagine what it would be like before 20 million people?"
Believe it or not, even though he was clearly one of Hollywood's true naturals, Nabors still got anxious before some shows.
"Even though I've got a bit of singing experience, I still get nervous when stretchin' my pipes.
"On Gomer, the only thing I had to get nervous about was acting. Now I have to be nervous about my acting, singing, and dancing."


I can't find this clip on You Tube or anywhere else.
" a date for gomer?"