Me Madness 2025: Vote for the ultimate TV famous phrase!

Say "What's up, doc?" to this year's Me Madness! We want to find the greatest TV famous phrase! Which one will come out on top? Vote for your favorites and see who takes home the gold!

In 2025, we're looking at the TV phrases that we can't stop quoting. From recurring catchphrases, to opening lines, to things that only had to be said once to cement a place in pop culture forever — we're here to find the ultimate famous phrase.

Will The Andy Griffith Show's "Nip it in the bud!" nip the other phrases in the bud? Will Looney Tunes say "Th-th-th-th-that's all, folks!" to the competition? Or will "Berwyn!" from our very own Svengoolie be the Ber-winner?

Come back on Wednesdays and Saturdays beginning at 8AM E | 7C to vote starting with Round 1 on Saturday, March 8, through the finals, starting on Wednesday, April 2.

Then, tune in to the season six premiere of Collector's Call on Sunday, April 6 at 6:30P | 5:30C to find out the winner, or check on Monday, April 7!

What phrase will take home the gold? Let’s find out.

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Blaketon 2 hours ago
I did the vote yesterday(I was a day late. Whoops), and I really really really really really really REALLY hope that The Three Stooges make it to the finals. Eeekk! I'm soo exited!! I can't wait to vote Wednesday and find out who won on Monday(I'm not going to watch the season 6 premier of Collector's Call BTW)! I think it's going to probably be Looney Tunes that wins, but there's always the hope that maybe The Three Stooges will win! Who here is voting with The Three Stooges?
GioLovesMash 1 day ago
this round suck why 2 votes? thats so short MASH please win
classyfox8 1 day ago
I dont know about a "catch phrase" but Perry Mason and Hogans Heros are my two favorites! I am in my 80s and they both help me relax at night before i go to bed. Hogans heros Schultz says the catch phrase..that is popular: "I know Nothing..I know Nothing--I see nothing. thanks.Please always keep Hogans heros and Perry Mason they do so much for someone my age.
GioLovesMash 2 days ago
i think we need TJ Hooker at 3pm and harry o 4pm
GioLovesMash 3 days ago
lets have adam-12 on weeknights at 7pm Emergency 8pm Dragnet 9pm
Blaketon GioLovesMash 3 days ago
Sounds great, but where would Andy Griffith go? I guess that he could be on in the afternoons, along with all those westerns. Sounds like a plan!
GioLovesMash Blaketon 3 days ago
what not have andy on weekdays mornings at 7am
JHP 4 days ago
ok - here goes

My #1 all time fave phrase (more like a line) is......

"YER RIGHT!!!!!!!! I am a killer. I just killed a whole pint!"
GioLovesMash JHP 4 days ago
what show is that from?
JHP GioLovesMash 3 days ago
am sure it's "crime free mayberry"
Blaketon 5 days ago
I did round four, and I think that Perry Mason got voted out the round before last unfortunately. I'm glad that The Three Stooges catchphrases are still going strong though!
GioLovesMash 5 days ago
Collector's Call? why who is voting lisa whelchel is not ironic Svengoolie yes is so popular
GioLovesMash 5 days ago
how MASH is not this round? or andy? lets hope mash WINS
Well it’s been voted out. I’m
Sorry it’s horse hockey that it didn’t make it this far.
David italianrose74 2 hours ago
It's Buffalo Bagels!
Peter_Falk_Fan 5 days ago
I actually had to flip a coin on one set of choices in the fourth round.
David 5 days ago
my 2 fave shows are gone: Griffith and M*A*S*H
GioLovesMash David 5 days ago
on the voteing yeah why is it short? but lets hope mash wins
David 6 days ago
I'm trying to vote with my head and not my heart and its hard . . . i.e: I may not like the show more than another but the phrase is much more "iconic"
Blaketon 8 days ago
I did round #3 today, and I didn't see Perry Mason's catchphrase! Did it not get enough votes, or was it just not in this round? I don't see why it couldn't get enough votes, it's a really good catchphrase! Oh well.....At least The Three Stooges catchphrase(s) is still in play!
Blaketon Blaketon 8 days ago
BTW, Perry Mason is my G.O.A.T. IMO, that is.
AlJMyers 10 days ago
I thought the line from Star Trek most likely to be famous was (from Dr. Leonard McCoy): "He's dead, Jim."
MarioNYC 12 days ago
I think the classic catchphrase from Dragnet is: "Just the facts ma'am." — not the opening line about the story being true.
Also, from Batman, when Robin says: "Holy cowel k-nowel, Batman, what now!" That is more noteworthy than "Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel."
seawolf7103 MarioNYC 11 days ago
Jack Webb's Joe Friday never used that phrase verbatim. "All we want are the facts, ma'am" was used in one episode. In another episode Friday states "All we have are the facts ma'am" The misquote was used by Dan Ackroyd in the parody movie.
"This is the city" is used in every episode, even going back to the black & white 1950s episodes.
That and "The story you are about to see is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent" are the real deal.
Oldmoviefan seawolf7103 11 days ago
I was going to say the same thing. It's not exactly an urban legend thing, but it is a fallacy. Also, in the 67 re-debut the "ladies and gentlemen" was dropped from the opening line.
Meltonranch seawolf7103 11 days ago
Yep. Lots of misquotes out there. Just the facts has been tossed around forever but it's still wrong.
i love the dragnet lines
MC1707 12 days ago
This contest is great fun, as there have been a lot of catch phrases over the years of great shows. However, I really feel like a lot of them (and the voting choices) is a “generation” thing. Some of the sayings maybe mean nothing to those young enough to not really have watched the show (or heard of it?) and thus they won’t be voting for it. I know I voted for many favorites of yesteryear, and found the percentages way off. My different generations likes I guess. (BTW, 72 yrs old)
GioLovesMash 12 days ago
why Three Stooges? that show sucks it does not fit metv is from 1930s
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Jacki italianrose74 6 days ago
That's so cool.☺️
MEmorable TElevision - not shows newer than the 30's. It's very memorable and entertaining.
kendel7 GioLovesMash 5 days ago
You wouldn't say that if you grew up watching them, as I did!
GioLovesMash kendel7 5 days ago
is not funny today not funny
STTOS 12 days ago
Again, voting mostly for the show I like better. The 2 toughest choice was first between Star Trek and The Three Stooges as I love them both. At least I think there was one where they were the two choices. It's hard to remember as it was about 2 minutes ago :). And the other was between Svengoolie and Woody Woodpecker as I don't particularly care for either. But I voted for Woody since I think Svengoolie is right there with The Collector's Call and Saved By the Bell and doesn't belong anywhere on this survey. Don't get mad folks as it's just my opinion.
italianrose74 STTOS 12 days ago
I totally agree with you on Collectors call and Saved by the bell didn’t belong in it. The Star Trek and Stooges was hard for me. However, I will always vote for “Live long and Prosper”🖖
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