Russ Tamblyn turned down a role in Gilligan's Island in the 1960s

"I had resigned myself to thinking that I would always be known as Russ Tamblyn of West Side Story," said the actor.

Everett Collection

For some actors, playing an iconic role can serve as a springboard for future opportunities. For others, it can be a cage destined to keep you from reaching your full potential.

While Russ Tamblyn has enjoyed a varied career in both film and television, musical lovers will remember him best as Riff, leader of the Jets in the 1961 film version of West Side Story.

But in the sixties, it seemed that Tamblyn had given up on the entertainment industry. The actor found himself actively refusing roles that were offered to him, including a pretty iconic television series.

"In the early sixties, I just dropped out," said Tamblyn during an interview with the Lansing State Journal. "I turned down movies, Gilligan's Island, everything."

At some point, the actor returned to Hollywood, but even then, Tamblyn found himself grasping for roles. At some point, he even came to terms with the fact that his career might actually be over.

"I had resigned myself to thinking that I would always be known as Russ Tamblyn of West Side Story," said the actor.  

As Tamblyn grew older, it only became that much harder to find new roles, even ones he knew he'd be perfect for.

"It was pretty disheartening," said Tamblyn. "The worst was when the agents got a directive for a guy in his mid-40s, a Russ Tamblyn type. I went in and I didn't get it."

Luckily, the famed director and Tamblyn's friend, David Lynch, knew that the actor had talent. He cast Tamblyn in his series, Twin Peaks, without even an audition. No longer was the actor Riff from West Side Story, but rather simply, Russ Tamblyn, actor.

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MaryMitch 1 month ago
I don't understand... he was afraid of being seen as anything but his role in WSS, so he refused roles? That doesn't make sense.
musicman37 1 month ago
Why would anyone put up with 2-1/2 hours of the most puerile, sophomoric hijinks just to watch a 70 minute movie? This is why I no longer tune in to Svengoolie.
Avie 1 month ago
"'I had resigned myself to thinking that I would always be known as Russ Tamblyn of West Side Story,' said the actor."

There are FAR worse fates than being associated with such a great film -- such as being remembered as "Russ Tamblyn, of 'Tom Thumb,'" a film he did three years before "WSS." If THAT had been the high point of his career, then he'd have something valid to lament.
LalaLucy 1 month ago
I have found some amazing choreography of his on YouTube he did in movies beyond the well known West Side Story and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. When I think of him, I think of an incredible athletic dancing talent with a lot of personality to go with it. Not a bad thing to be known for. I can't really feature him on Gilligan's Island.
Wiseguy70005 LalaLucy 1 month ago
You can't imagine him on Gilligan simply because he wasn't on Gilligan. If he had been you would have seen him and not the actor who eventually played him and you would now say nobody else could play him. That's the way it works.
musicman37 Wiseguy70005 1 month ago
He would have made a good Professor.....
sagafrat69 1 month ago
Amber Tamblyn is his very talented daughter who was in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" and the CBS series "Joan of Arcadia" which apparently nobody watched but me. Good show that died way too early. Does anybody know what part Russ turned down in "Gilligan's Island"? I'm assuming it was for the Professor but I could be wrong. Maybe Gilligan?
Amalthea sagafrat69 1 month ago
I love "Joan of Arcadia"! My daughter actually refers to Russ as "Dog-Walker God". #IYKYK
sagafrat69 Amalthea 30 days ago
Now I know at least TWO people watched the show. I wish "Joan" ( not the one on the CW) could've found an audience for at least three or four seasons. "God Friended Me" was also a similar show on CBS that went the way of "Joan of Arcadia". Apparently America loves superficial shows like "The Bachelor" and "Love Island". Too many quality shows get axed quick and others that are debatable as far as quality vs kind of trashy go on and on and on... Sometimes one wonders why is America watching THAT!
CarolCoons sagafrat69 30 days ago
Lots of people watched it, it was a good show with a stellar cast, but God, you know. You can’t have God or religion on tv, unless of course you’re Tom Selleck, I guess. And have you noticed nowadays how everyone on tv now, drinks like a fish.
sagafrat69 CarolCoons 29 days ago
Guess not. Whiskey, sex, dating and reality shows are IN. God and cigarettes are a big OUT! I guess you can say America knows what it loves and what it doesn't.
Brad sagafrat69 26 days ago
Amber Tamblyn was also on a bunch of episodes of the show "House" in it's last 2 seasons. She played an intern/physician who seemed to have a blossoming talent nearly equal to Dr. House. And then the series ended (House and his only friend Dr. Wilson literally rode off into the sunset!). I haven't heard or seen anything of Amber Tamblyn since. But I love saying her name!
sagafrat69 Brad 24 days ago
Her name does kind of roll off the tongue. Her parents gave her a great name. I think she in her forties now. I also haven't seen her in anything lately. She's a good actress. Maybe she'll come back to something soon.
Bapa1 1 month ago
....and yet he signed on to do a Japanese monster movie. Maybe he choreographed the dance scenes. We'll find out Saturday night on Sven.
KawiVulc 1 month ago
Caught a Russ Tamblyn appearance in a movie or TV show a year or two ago & was utterly amazed at his dancing. Pretty sure it was a western, wish I could remember... maybe Cimarron? Not usually that into dance routines but the athleticism that one required was phenomenal.
TomZane KawiVulc 1 month ago
You're probably thinking of The Fastest Gun Alive, a Glenn Ford movie. Russ did an incredible dance routine in that movie.
AgingDisgracefully 1 month ago
I think of Russ whenever I walk around the city and happen on to a choreographed gang fight.
justjeff 1 month ago
As a child, I remembered seeing him in the musical fantasy "Tom Thumb"...
MrsPhilHarris justjeff 1 month ago
I was thinking the same thing.
CaptainDunsel 1 month ago
So we don't get to know *what* role he turned down?

"Well, lah-dee-dah!"
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You have some interesting suggestions for Doc. I agree Lithgow is great in both comedy and drama, but he commands too much of the dialogue and attention. Cromwell and Hermann would have been interesting to see, but have to stick with Lloyd's over the top zaniness which would explain the isolation he had from society.

Scott Glenn was wonderful in Silverado with Kevin Kline, Kevin Costner and Danny Glover. Not over the top zaniness but some pretty funny scenes. One of my favorite movies!
Yep. Once an actor has nailed the role, it's hard to imagine anyone else measuring up.
Maybe Jerry Van Dyke got to the point where offers weren't exactly filling his in-box?? Hence "My Mother the Car"?
A lot of people think that way unfortunately, I guess because they either have no imagination or just get attached to that character. And of course in Hollywood they make a practice of it. I only have a few people on that list.
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