Tom Bosley: ''You never get as much recognition anywhere as you get from a T.V. series.''
"It's a compliment that people remember the character," said the actor.

Tom Bosley understood the importance of being loved by an audience. As one of the stars of Happy Days, Bosley played Howard Cunningham.
Years after the series had ended, Bosley admitted that he still enjoyed being recognized by fans as Howard Cunningham.
"It's a compliment that people remember the character," Bosley was quoted as having said in the Tribune. "The only time I don't enjoy it is when somebody walks up to me and tells me they grew up on the show, and they've got gray hair around the temples. I could live without that."

While television has a fairly decent reputation today, decades ago, the medium was seen as immature. However, shows like Happy Days proved that television could be a successful and cinematic experience for those involved.
In fact, Bosley actually argued that if an actor were looking for new opportunities, television was the place to go. With episodes airing on a weekly basis, characters in television shows had more of an opportunity to establish a relationship and trust with their audience.
"You never get as much recognition anywhere as you get from a T.V. series - on a highly personal level," the actor said during an interview with The Kansas City Star. "They have to like you or they won't let you into their home the next week."