Can you name all these side characters on The Waltons?

Only a Waltons superfan can name all of these characters.

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The nostalgic drama The Waltons ran for nine seasons and portrayed the trials and tribulations of a loving family trying to make ends meet during the depression and into WWII.

While the Walton family was always front and center, over the course of 212 episodes there were plenty of other characters who made recurring appearances.

Here are 15 people who were in multiple episodes of the show. Can you name them all?

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  1. He runs the local general store which is also the post office.
  2. She is John Walton’s cousin who marries the storekeeper.
  3. She is the adopted daughter of the couple that runs the general store and also Elizabeth Walton’s good friend.
  4. These elderly sisters brew their father's alcoholic "recipe."
  5. He is a minister who embarrasses himself at first but soon becomes a trusted member of the community.
  6. He is the lead singer of the Haystack Gang, the band that Jason joins.
  7. He is the local sheriff in town.
  8. She likes to paint and sing, and gives the Waltons her goat, Myrtle.
  9. She is a seamstress and neighbor of the Waltons, and John-Boy helps her learn to read.
  10. He is an eccentric animal lover who gives to those in need (after stealing it first).
  11. She is the local phone operator and gives Erin a job.
  12. He is a mild-mannered man who, with the help of his hunting dogs, finds Olivia, Jim-Bob and Elizabeth after they get lost in the forest.
  13. He is an old flame of cousin Rose Burton's who rekindles a relationship with her.
  14. She runs the local boardinghouse.
  15. As his name implies, he is laidback — sometimes to the point of carelessness.

Can you name all these side characters on The Waltons?

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