10 actors who appeared in both Mayberry and M*A*S*H

Over 7,000 miles apart, you could spot some familiar faces.

Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution/CBS Television Distribution

They are two of the greatest sitcoms — no, TV shows — ever made. They made us laugh and they made us cry. Who could forget Gomer, Klinger, Opie, Radar, Bee, and Hot Lips? Of course, we are talking about The Andy Griffith Show and M*A*S*H

Mayberry may lie (approximately) 7,019 miles away from the 4077th, but the two shows shared some familiar faces.

Let's take a look at some actors who popped up on both series.

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1. Ron Howard

 Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Well, "Ronny," as he was billed back then. The 18-year-old broke away from the stereotype of Opie in M*A*S*H's first season, thanks to his touching performance as an underaged Marine in "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet."

2. Hope Summers

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Summers is best known as Aunt Bee's longtime bestie Clara Edwards. She also turns up in a key supporting role in "The Trial of Henry Blake," a season-two M*A*S*H tale written by McLean Stevenson. Blake is charged with treason for giving supplies to a clinic in the North, run by Meg Cratty (Summers).

3. William Christopher

 CBS Television Distribution

Before he became Father Mulcahy, Christopher was known for his recurring role as another military man, in the Mayberry universe, as Private Lester Hummel on Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. And before that, he twice guest-starred on The Andy Griffith Show in its color years, most notably as the title character in "A New Doctor in Town."

4. Arlene Golonka

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Mayberry folks know her as Millie — and, well, Millie. She played both Millie Swanson, key love interest to Sam on Mayberry R.F.D., and Millie Swanson, Howard's squeeze in The Andy Griffith Show. In an early episode of M*A*S*H, "Edwina," both Hawkeye and Trapper vie for the cot comfort of Lieutenant Edwina Ferguson, a nurse played by Golonka.

5. George Lindsey

 Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Goober! Yep, the feller who played Gomer's cousin became a surgeon. Lindsey played Roy DuPree, a doctor from the 8063rd MASH unit, who comes to help the 4077th in "Temporary Duty."

6. Bernard Fox

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

The British actor made memorable appearances in both shows, as Malcolm Merriweather and Major Ross. Though he was in just three Andy Griffith episodes and one single M*A*S*H ("Tea and Empathy") it feels like he was a recurring character. Fox just made an impression and lit up episodes.

7. Keye Luke

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Luke's legendary career spanned more than half a century. He was Kato in The Green Hornet films in the 1940s, and the regular Lee Chan in the Charlie Chan movies (he also voices Charlie Chan in cartoons). Seventies TV fans know and love him as Master Po on Kung Fu. The Chinese-born actor was a Hollywood go-to for Asian roles. Perhaps his role of Charlie Lee in "Aunt Bee's Restaurant" was a nod to his Lee Chan character in Charlie Chan flicks. M*A*S*H cast him three times, in "Patent 4077," "A Night at Rosie's," and "Death Takes a Holiday."

8. Buck Young

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

The character actor typically found himself playing soldiers and lawmen. Young's credits list is littered with "Lt." and "Deputy" and "Cpl." and "Sergeant." He was Deputy Joe Watson in "Goober Takes a Car Apart." He later pestered the other Pyle, when he became Sergeant Whipple on Gomer Pyle. He turned up a few times on M*A*S*H, in both "Dear Dad" and "Dear Mildred."

9. Yuki Shimoda

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Barney Fife was not a man to be trifled with. He took judo. His instructor was one Mr. Izamoto, portrayed by Yuki Shimoda. The California native of Japanese descent is best known for his made-for-TV internment drama Farewell to Manzanar. He thrice appeared on M*A*S*H, first in regal uniform in "The Price," seen here. His role of Key Yong Lu in "Oh, How We Danced" would be his penultimate screen performance.

10. Robert F. Simon

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

In "Opie's Drugstore Job," the growing boy gets a gig working at the local soda fountain. His boss is Mr. Crawford, played by Simon. The mustache might have disguised the fact he was also Gen. Maynard M. Mitchell on M*A*S*H, a character who first appeared in "The Trial of Herny Blake," alongside Hope Summers!

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sagafrat69 6 months ago
Of course these two incredibly talented writers and not actors have a Mayberry/MASH connection. Everett Greenbaum and Jim Fritzell wrote many episodes for both shows, including the season three MASH finale with Henry leaving and season four first two episodes with Beeg's arrival. Incredible writing team.
bdettlingmetv 6 months ago
For today's rerun of this article (8/29/2024) I note a new formatting wrinkle in which the photo sources are credited in a "ghost caption" across the top of the image. Only problem is the credits are typically so long they do a great job of overrunning the image and covering a significant part of the first line of the accompanying blurb.

Most blurbs don't extend to the bottom of the Image. Can we get the credits moved to the bottom of the image?

I suppose I feel better after writing this out, but I still have a strong "tilting at windmills" feeling about this.
MTEVENS 6 months ago
I found an error in the "10 actors who appeared in both Mayberry and M*A*S*H". The left hand picture in the Keye Luke entry is wrong. I think that is a picture of Sab Shimono. He was in two episodes of M*A*S*H, including one of my favorite "letter" episodes. He played a North Korean spy, sent to see why the 4077's record is so good, and if they could use their methods. He gets involved in the day to day life of the hospital, but he finds it all every confusing (as did everybody else who spent a little time with them). He even helped them out by making a local remedy for a rash the wounded have been coming in with. The letter is his report to his superiors.
Lillyrose 6 months ago
That was fascinating. I don't watch The Andy Griffith Show, but I recognized most of the actors from MASH.
Wiseguy70005 6 months ago
Both Bernard Fox and Robert F. Simon were regulars on Bewitched. Simon was the first actor to play Darrin's father with Dick York although he did come back later and played Dick Sargent's father in one episode, the character's final appearance. Not many people realize neither the Kravitzes or Darrin's parents were seen in the final season.
jasonallenriley 6 months ago
I never knew that Hope Summers had a role in M*A*S*H*. That’s so cool.
sagafrat69 6 months ago
Roy DuPree was a wasted character. He was the great doctor who could've been the antagonist the show needed. Not Winchester who was brilliant but became more and more boorish over six long seasons. I agree with Mr. Lindsey. DuPree should've made more than one appearance. Lindsey was also in the classic "The Twilight Zone" episode " I Am The Night-Color Me Black". One of the best in the series. I knew there were a few Mayberry people who appeared on MASH but not that many. Some very talented actors indeed.
WordsmithWorks 6 months ago
"Over 7,000 miles apart, you could spot some familiar faces." And ten years earlier.
Bookman1963 6 months ago
When I interviewed George Lindsey several years ago, he expressed disappointment that he wasn't asked to continue to play Roy DuPree in MASH, saying (and I don't know if this was true since I never read Richard Hooker's book) that DuPree was a major character in the novel. Of course, Lindsey also compared himself to Paul Newman or Marlon Brando in terms of the quality of his acting, so there you go.
revonr 6 months ago
Found another. Hamilton Camp. The Barber Shop Quartet. and 3 episodes of M A S H.
revonr revonr 6 months ago
And Pat Hingle
revonr revonr 6 months ago
and Richard X. Slattery
LanceMcCrickard 27 months ago
They got #7 wrong. They showed a picked off Lloyd Kino that played Jack on The Andy Griffith Show.
RedSamRackham 30 months ago
* AND Jamie Farr was a gypsy on TAGS before he was Klinger on M*A*S*H. ☺
sallysmom98 35 months ago
I’ve been home recovering from surgery and so I’ve been able to catch up on my old favorites. The week before last I saw Loretta Swit on Gunsmoke (episode 509, 1970) and the next day I saw Harry Morgan on Gunsmoke (episode 527, 1970). I thought it was pretty cool.
vinman63 35 months ago
Bernard Fox made the rounds also on Hogan Heroes, Dick Van Dyke, McHales Navy, Monkees. in Bewitched, Tabitha and the Soap Opera Passion he played Dr Bombay.
cpbaker1955 35 months ago
Seems like people always leave negative comments. Thank you Me-TV, you're doing a great job, thank you. Semper Fi from an old Marine Sergeant.
LoveMETV22 cpbaker1955 34 months ago
Agree. If they don't like the shows, stories or quizzes, don't bother visiting their website. Preet simple concept.
gene 36 months ago
metv needs to get their s..t together. doing a quiz and the damn page starts going up and down. now the quiz is lost, good going metv
joekapp 37 months ago
Also note the actors on both MASH and Hogans Heroes. Willam Christopher and Bernard Fox from the above list.

I wonder if producer actor/writet/director Gene Reynolds had anything to do with giving actors work and breaking in new talent? MASH / GOMER / HOGANS / ANDY G / ??
Jon joekapp 6 months ago
I know Gene Reynolds was involved w/ HOGAN'S HEROES, directing and/or producing.
Brian 37 months ago
Keye Luke as Kato. Who writes this slop?
LoveMETV22 Brian 37 months ago
Keye Luke was Kato in the 1940's film " The Green Hornet"
RedSamRackham LoveMETV22 30 months ago
* Yet Bruce Lee re-invented Kato as a martial arts black-belt! ☺
justjeff Brian 6 months ago
All you had to do was use Google before jumping down the rabbit hole...
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