10 easy last-minute Halloween costumes inspired by classic TV
There's time enough at last to plan these Halloween costumes, we promise.

With Halloween right around the corner, the question is, "What are you going to be?" This becomes ever more pressing for last-minute planners. Have you thought about what costume will fit you best this year?
No worries if you haven't. Classic television is full of iconic costume ideas that can get you out the door on Halloween with very little effort.
Here, we've pulled together a list of recognizable characters that require a maximum of four items to pull off their looks. Ready to suit up as a character from your favorite show? You'll channel the best of TV with these quick costume ideas below.

1. Hoss from 'Bonanza'

He's one of western's most lovable characters. Here's how to pull off the look:
• white/light cowboy hat
• tan button-down shirt
• brown vest
• stick pony (optional)
Tip: Be sure to utter Hoss' catchphrase, "Dabdunit!" every now and again.
2. Henry Bemis from 'The Twilight Zone'

Become the bookwork from fan favorite Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough at Last." Here's how to pull off the look:
• rumpled suit
• broken Coke-bottle glasses
• giant clock
Tip: Every now and again, remove the broken glasses and break down in a fit, repeating the phrase, "It's not fair! It's not fair!"
3. Gilligan from 'Gilligan's Island'

Quick costumes don't get any easier than one of classic TV's simplest minds. Here's how to pull off the look:
• light blue jeans
* red long-sleeved shirt
• light/tan bucket hat
4. Mama from 'Mama's Family'

Mama's look is easy; it's her attitude that will take adjusting to for most! Here's how to pull off her look:
• floral dress
• pearl necklace
• wire-rim glasses
• gray wig
Tip: Find plenty of excuses all night to declare, "Good lord!"
5. Fonzie and Richie from 'Happy Days'

Here's a classic buddy costume idea that wouldn't take much effort, especially if you've already got a leather or letterman's jacket.
For Fonzie:
• jeans
• white or black T-shirt
• leather jacket
For Richie:
• dress pants
• quiet button-down shirt
• letterman's jacket
6. Columbo from 'Columbo'

One more thing you can try: Dress up as Columbo. Here's how to pull off his look:
• long tan raincoat/trenchcoat
• tie that's been loosened around the neck
• chomp a cigar all night
Tip: End every conversation of your night by leaning in and saying, "Just one more thing...."
7. Sister Bertrille from 'The Flying Nun'

Try to time your Halloween party entrance with a blustery wind if you can. Here's how to pull off her look:
• long-sleeved white dress
• elastic headband
• white posterboard
Follow these instructions to make an easy Flying Nun hat.
Caution: There's an off chance you might be confused with a character from the Handmaid's Tale which was popularly brought to TV this year and based on the novel from 1986.
8. Perry Mason from 'Perry Mason'

Go as one of TV's biggest, most recognizable legal minds. Here's how to pull off his look:
• oversized dark suit
• enormous shoulderpads
Tip: For dramatic effect, widen your eyes and hum the show's theme every now and again.
9. A.C. Slater from 'Saved By the Bell'

Hit Halloween as one of TV's favorite jocks. Here's how to pull off Slater's look:
• acid-washed jeans
• colorful tank top tucked into jeans
Tip: For added effect, convince a friend to go as our final costume idea, and if you do, be sure to punch his arm a lot and call him "preppy."
10. Zack Morris from 'Saved By the Bell'

We're going with the original Zack Morris from early episodes, the one who hid that enormous cellphone in his locker. Here's how to pull off his look:
• boldly colored striped button down shirt
• jeans
• Walkie-talkie made to look like an old-school cell phone
Tip: Don't be afraid to use the giant phony cellphone to order pizza for the whole party.


Anyway lots of credit for a great story and lots of fun.
So Readers, what would 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 choice of costume be??