Pick: What would you watch on TV in 1990?

Would you watch the debut of Kramer or Agent Cooper?

Pretend you have a time machine. Hooray! There's just one glitch — it only goes back to the year 1990. And it's on the fritz, jumping all around the calendar. Fortunately, you have a television on hand to for entertainment.

Pick what you would watch on TV that year. See how your selections stack up against the rest. Have fun and bon voyage!

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  1. We begin our journey on Saturday morning. The date is November 3. It's 11AM. What are you watching?
  2. Now it is that evening on the same day. What will you watch at 9PM?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  3. We're moving back in time now. It is Tuesday, October 30. What will you watch on Halloween Eve at 9PM?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  4. Leaping backwards again…. It is Monday, October 8. Settle in for the evening and watch one of these long programs.
     Image: The Everett Collection
  5. A bigger leap back…. Now it's May 31, a Thursday. What would you watch at 9:30PM?
  6. All this leaping through time, it begs the question: What would you watch on Friday at 8PM?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  7. Jump back a month! It's now Saturday, April 8. Tune in to something at 9PM.
     Image: CBS Television Distribution
  8. Let's leap again. It's Thursday, October 25, 8:30PM. What'll it be on TV?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  9. That's over now. Pick a show for 9PM.
  10. We've landed on a Sunday. It's 8PM. Cozy up on a couch with a show.
     Image: The Everett Collection
  11. It's now Monday, 8PM. What'll you watch?
  12. Same time, next day. What's on your screen?
  13. Finally, we end on a Wednesday, again at 8PM. Make your final selection.
     Image: The Everett Collection

Pick: What would you watch on TV in 1990?

Your Result...

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FloridaTopCat 20 months ago
There was NOT a "None of the Above" answer to any of these, which would have been my answer to almost all of these, because I NEVER watched almost any of the choices, first run! And then in reruns, a few. For example, never watched Seinfeld "new", became a fan in reruns. Ditto, Matlock. Never watched Cheers, Cosby Show, Golden Girls, Fresh Prince, Wonder Years, 1st run or reruns!
Lacey 30 months ago
I must not have watched a lot of TV in the early 1990s because I would not have picked many of these shows.
LadySnake Lacey 25 months ago
Me either. A lot of them I’d never even heard of!
Dayna 30 months ago
Technically my shows aren't listed here except for MacGyver.
I dislike all these shows that they picked.
DrJekalb 32 months ago
Mine was 49%. I was a teenager in 1990; and probably would've scored 100%. It's amazing how tastes change after 30 years of adulthood.
ELEANOR 36 months ago
I'm a proud holder of 46%. It feels real good to NOT have watched whatever it was that was supposed to have been popular.
TijuanaSlim 36 months ago
Small Nitpick on #1... fall 1990 FOX didn't have 'Network Time" on Saturday Mornings Nor did WWF Wrestling have any Network TV Contracts

so the Show in airing at that time on that Affiliate would have been a syndicated Series... and varied by Market
- in my region for example The Cartoon Block was over by 11, and the WWF show (Challenge or Superstars) would be the segue from Cartoons to the afternoon Sports Block on my Local CBS Affiliate
DrJekalb TijuanaSlim 32 months ago
I think they meant to ask, if WWF Wrestling (Challenge or Superstars) was airing on your Fox affiliate at that time despite being a syndicated show, would you watch it? Technically, the WWF(E) at that time DID have a Network TV contract; but it was NBC where they aired Saturday Night's Main Event once a month.
If I remember, in my region, WWF aired Saturday and Sundays mornings on USA Network if you had cable; and my local CBS aired Superstars at 6pm on Saturdays and my local Fox aired Challenge at midnight on Sundays.
DerekBird 39 months ago
64% similar
64% similar to the most popular responses
DonMiller 39 months ago
Well, your name is “ Karen “……….
ttenchantr 39 months ago
4 and 12 need a None of the above option!
DrJekalb ttenchantr 32 months ago
True, the Browns/Broncos rivalry was more 1985/86/87. By 1990, the Broncos had fallen into mediocrity while the Browns became a joke.
Karen 44 months ago
I was in college, and the only "can't miss" program for me was Kids in the Hall, and 40 Helens agree with me.
Tony Karen 38 months ago
40 Helens also agree that it was Citizen Kane.
ttenchantr 47 months ago
Questions 4 and 12 needs a "None of the above." I wouldn't any of the options at gunpoint!
Karen ttenchantr 44 months ago
I totally agree with #4, but I was finding something else to do for #9 instead of #12. In fact, for 12 I picked a show I don't even remember.
RobChapman 49 months ago
Too bad you only count the "big 4" networks. Because, every Monday night in 1990 I was watching new episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Snickers RobChapman 49 months ago
I liked Babylon Five myself.
RobChapman Snickers 49 months ago
Babylon 5 didn't premier until 1994 (1993 if you count the pilot "The Gathering")
Snickers RobChapman 48 months ago
I know that, just saying I liked Babylon 5
Randall 54 months ago
My favorite show of that year wasn't mentioned LIFE GOES ON we got to see Broadway Diva Patti Lupone as well as the talented Kellie Martin,Tracy Needham and who can forget Chris Burk that show was great with Kellie Martin and Chad lowe who in the fourth season played a character with AIDS a big deal in those days!
Karen Randall 44 months ago
I remember AIDS being a big deal, but I don't remember even the name of that show!
Mukusthebadd1 56 months ago
Stupid phone screen!
It wouldn't let me change after a wrong selection!
ttenchantr Mukusthebadd1 47 months ago
You can't do that on a regular computer either.
ruswilinc Mukusthebadd1 39 months ago
I hate it when the page suddenly jumps as you are making your choice resulting in a wrong answer that's not your fault.
CouchPotato19 61 months ago
73% similar...…......I actually had an evening job back then, so had to vote by what my P's would watch. Twin Peaks was a strange & intriguing priorityshow for me, though! Taped it if I had to work. So far off the beaten path of typical TV crap of that time.
bmoore4026 61 months ago
68% similar. Apparently, my family were one of the few that preferred Rescue 911 over Who's the Boss.
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