14 everlasting candies introduced in the 1970s

We still haven't finished those Gobstoppers we picked up during 'Star Wars.'

It seems like candy was on everybody's mind in the 1970s. All you had to do was turn on the radio for proof — people were still singing "Sugar Sugar," leading into hits like "Coconut" and "Candy-O," while bands like Wild Cherry and Hot Chocolate were rocketing to the top of the charts like an Astropop. Of course, the 1971 film Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory would inspire an entire line of treats… some of which we'll get to in a bit.

It's no wonder so many new candies hit the market that decade. Here are some memorable debuts from the '70s.

1. Bottle Caps



The sweet and sour circles were somewhat akin to the nine-year-old SweeTarts, only with the slight fizziness of a soda pop. Though, Willy Wonka Co. did up the fizz with Fizzy Bottle Caps. At one point, there was a lemon-lime flavor, but that has been since replaced with cherry.

Image: Dan Goodsell / Flickr

2. Charms Blow Pops



A candy and bubble gum in one! This sucker was originally developed as the "Triple Treat." In 1973, it was branded the Charms Blow Pop with the slogan "2 Treats in 1." Which begs the question: What happened to the third treat? What was the third treat? The stick? 

Image: Dan Goodsell / Flickr

3. Fun Dip



Lik-M-Aid dates back to the WWII era, but in the 1970s Wonka rebranded the sugary powder Fun Dip and added a crucial element — the Lik-A-Stix. Before that, one had to mearly pour the stuff down your throat. Which some kids still did anyway. But how great was it to eat the utensil?

Image: Jason Liebig courtesy of Collecting Candy

4. Pop Rocks



General Foods introduced these mouth ticklers in the mid-decade before taking them off the market in 1983. And, no, not because Mikey ate them with Coca-Cola and blew up his tummy. Thankfully, they made a comeback.

Image: Sun Times

5. York Peppermint Pattie



This, too, was technically not a new treat. The York Cone Company had been making them for more than 50 years. However, they were more a regional candy. In 1972, York was acquired by Peter Paul, which launched the York Peppermint Pattie nationally in 1975. Finally, all of America could "Get the Sensation."

Image: Peter Paul / YouTube

6. Everlasting Gobstoppers



Yep, Wonka again. Was anyone in history better at naming candy than Roald Dahl? We still have a gobstopper in our mouth from 1978 that has yet to dissolve.

Image: Candy Crate

7. Jelly Belly



David Klein, the fellow pictured here buried in candy, invented these flavor-packed niblets in a California ice cream parlor 40 years ago. The original flavors were Very Cherry, Tangerine, Lemon, Green Apple, Grape, Licorice, Root Beer, and Cream Soda. Booger and Buttered Popcorn would come much later.

Image: AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

8. Ring Pops



The Topps baseball card company earned this patent four decade ago. Make-believe engagements have never been the same since.

Image: Jason Liebig courtesy of Collecting Candy

9. Reese's Pieces



It wasn't until 1982 that these M&Ms competitor truly took off, thanks to a certain extraterrestrial.

Image: Hershey's Archive

10. Whatchamacallit



Another brilliant name proved that Hershey's could compete with Wonka in the playful branding department. The moniker was dreamt up by Patricia Volk, who worked at the agency handling the Hershey's account.

Image: Hershey's / YouTube

11. Twix



It's hard to believe this beloved candy bar was introduced to the United States about a decade after Matt Damon. The caramel-cookie bars constantly top favorite candy lists. You'd think they'd have been around for ages. First produced in the U.K. in 1967, Twix took another dozen years to cross the Atlantic.

Image: Mars / YouTube

12. Charleston Chew, Strawberry and Chocolate



The standard vanilla flavor of this jaw exercise had been around for half a century before the Chocolate and Strawberry flavors were introduced at some point in the 1970s. Which is your favorite?

Image: jonmankuta / Flickr

13. Dynamints



Dentyne declared war on Tic Tac with these pocket-sized candies. And lost.

Image: Gone But Not Forgotten Groceries

14. Laffy Taffy



Beich's ("Say 'Bike's'" the label proclaimed) first sold these fruity chews as Banana Caramels and other flavors. Wonka swept in and purchased the brand, making it the joke-wrapped wonder we all traded on Halloween.

Image: Jason Liebig courtesy of Collecting Candy / Flickr



Roll back the clock a little more for some truly sweet and sour times. READ MORE

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Java 35 months ago
Yeah except Wonka didn't exist as a company until the 80's and they bought out all these things or licensed them.

The only exception is that Breaker Confections, the same guys that made Bottle Caps, had licensed the name "Everlasting Gobstoppers" from Roald Dahl in 1976.
idkwut2use 50 months ago
Especially big fan of Ring Pops, Laffy Taffy, Pop Rocks, Bottlecaps, York patties, and Charms Blow Pops.
RobChapman 50 months ago
Some of these (Bottle caps, Whatchamacallit) seem to only be available at specialty outlets. I haven't seen them in regular retail stores in years. Also, Anyone remember Velamints? Kinda like Certs, but square and came in chocolate mint flavor.
DogPatch1149 54 months ago
Sad that Dynamints didn't stick around - the fruit flavored ones were great.

Another candy I wish would return - Bitty Bombs. There's cinnamon, and then there were Bitty Bombs...even Jolly Rancher Fire Stix didn't have the kick Bitty Bombs had.
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