9 times a TV character was recast
Sometimes, a person's face changes right before our eyes!

Nothing is perfect, and TV is no exception. Stuff happens. People leave. Roles need to be filled.
Whether it was an acrimonious split or one of mutual respect, there are plenty of examples when a TV character needed to be recast. It's one of the weirdest things we go through as television fans. You get used to someone having a certain face, and then suddenly, they've got a different face?! Sometimes it's done seamlessly, but it's usually very jarring.
Whether you noticed them or not, here are 10 examples of actors who were replaced while the show was still in progress. Be sure to follow up in the comments section below and share your favorites that didn't make the list!

1. "Batman" - Catwoman

This one's a rare hat-trick where three different actresses portrayed Adam West's Batman's ferocious feline foe. The role was played by Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt and, in the movie, Lee Meriwether. Nine lives, three actors.
2. "The Andy Griffith Show" - Ben Weaver

You remember Ben Weaver, the miserly department store owner in Mayberry. The role was originated by Will Wright, who played Weaver for three episodes before passing away in 1962. He was replaced first by Tol Avery before the role was eventually given to Jason Johnson.
3. "The Andy Griffith Show" - Wally

No, not Tony Dow. This is the Wally on The Andy Griffith Show. A few different friendly faces greeted Mayberry drivers at the filling station that employed Gomer and Goober. Wally was portrayed by Norman Leavitt, Trevor Bardette and Cliff Norton over the course of four episodes.
4. "The Dick Van Dyke Show" - Fiona "Pickles" Conway Sorrell

If you know anything about Buddy Sorrell, you can probably picture the kind of woman that would be a good partner for him, which is to say Pickles is a bit... nutty. Barbara Perry originated the role but was later replaced on The Dick Van Dyke Show by Joan Shawlee.
5. "The Flintstones" - Barney Rubble

Animation fanatics will be quick to point out how Barney was voiced by cartoon legend Mel Blanc. However, during The Flintstones' second season, Blanc was involved in a horrible car accident that left him unable to fulfill his duties. As such, Daws Butler gamely stepped up to the slate—er, plate.
6. "The Flintstones" - Betty Rubble

Barney wasn't the only character to go through a change on The Flintstones. Heck, he wasn't even the only Rubble! His wife, Betty, was originally voiced by Bea Benaderet. You'll recognize Bea as Kate Bradley in Petticoat Junction, which she filmed concurrently with her voiceover duties. Eventually, the schedule proved too much, and the role was given to Gerry Johnson.
7. "The Fugitive" - Leonard Taft

There are so many things that happen in The Fugitive at such a breakneck pace that you'd be forgiven if you've forgotten Leonard Taft. He's Dr. Kimble's brother-in-law, and over the course of the series is played by James B. Sikking in season one, Lin McCarthy in season three, and Richard Anderson in the season-four finale.
8. "Batman" - The Riddler

Holy recurring issues with keeping the cast happy and consistent, Batman! For a show that only had three seasons, Batman sure had a revolving range of rogues. While initially portrayed by Frank Gorshin, The Riddler would later be played by John Astin, of The Addams Family. Apparently, the money issues were resolved, as Gorshin ended up reprising the role in the third season!
9. "Petticoat Junction" - Billie Jo

Here's a bit of trivia for you: Billie Jo on Petticoat Junction was originally going to be played by Sharon Tate. The good news is, there were plenty of other actresses, as Billie Joe was first played by Jeannine Riley for two seasons before she left for a movie career. In season 3, Billie Jo was played by Gunilla Hutton, before finally settling into Meredith MacRae for the rest of the show's run!